SLA Object

Last modified on July 26, 2024

AlertSite API operations for managing service-level agreements use the following data fields to represent SLA configuration. SLAs are identified by id, and the associated monitor is specified by monitor_id.

To learn more about SLA configuration in AlertSite, see About Service Level Agreements.

Field Type Description
availability Double

The availability goal, as a percentage. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100, with up to three decimal places.

When creating or editing SLAs, availability values with more than three decimal places will be rounded to three places. For example, 95.5555 becomes 95.556.

description String The SLA description. Must be non-empty. If omitted when creating an SLA, it will be copied from the monitor name.
exclusions Array of Object SLA exclusion periods. None by default. Exclusions can be both future and past periods.
exclusions[].from_date String The start date and time of the exclusion period, in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Must be earlier than thru_date.
exclusions[].id Integer Read-only. The ID of the SLA exclusion period.
exclusions[].location_description String Read-only. The name of the AlertSite location specified by location_id. If location_id is null (meaning all locations), location_description is "-- All --".
exclusions[].location_id Integer or null

The ID of the AlertSite monitoring location whose results are excluded from SLA calculations. This location must be one of those used by the monitor associated with the SLA. If omitted or null, it means all locations.

For a list of public location IDs, see here.

exclusions[].note String Arbitrary notes about this exclusion period, up to 255 characters.
exclusions[].thru_date String The end date and time of the exclusion period, in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. Must be later than from_date.
id Integer Read-only. SLA ID.
monitor_id Integer The ID of the monitor associated with this SLA. Required when creating a new SLA. Cannot be changed in existing SLAs.
monitor_name String Read only. The name of the monitor associated with this SLA.
name String The SLA name. Required when creating an SLA and must be non-empty.
operating_periods Array of Object SLA operating periods. If omitted when creating an SLA, this means that the SLA is always in effect 24×7 (same as from_day=1, from_time="00:00", thru_day=7, thru_time="23:59").
operating_periods[].exclude Boolean Whether to exclude (true) or include (false) this period in SLA calculations. Default is false.
operating_periods[].from_day Integer The day of the week when this SLA operating period begins. Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, and so on, Saturday = 7.
operating_periods[].from_time String The start time in the 24-hour HH:MM format.
operating_periods[].id Integer Read-only. The ID of this operating period.
operating_periods[].thru_day Integer The day of the week when this SLA period ends. Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, and so on, Saturday = 7.
operating_periods[].thru_time String The end time in the 24-hour HH:MM format.
response_time Double

The response time goal in seconds, from 0 to 300, with up to two decimal places.

When creating or editing SLAs, response_time values with more than two decimal places will be rounded to two places. For example, 1.234 becomes 1.23.

secondary_response_time Double or null An optional Apdex F threshold, from 0 to 300 seconds, with up to two decimal places. Must be greater than or equal to response_time. null means the default threshold of 4 ×response_time.


Double or null

The uptime goal, as a percentage. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100, with up to three decimal places.

Used only with monitors that use the SLA (MultiPOP) monitoring mode. Otherwise, null.

When creating or editing SLAs, uptime values with more than three decimal places are rounded to three places. For example, 99.5555 becomes 99.556.

uptime_allowed Boolean Read-only. Shows whether the associated monitor can have an uptime goal. This is true if the monitor uses the SLA (MultiPOP) mode, otherwise, false.
use_fullpage_time Boolean Whether the response time goal is for the fullpage response time (true) or base page response time (false). This field can be true only if use_fullpage_time_allowed is true.
use_fullpage_time_allowed Boolean Read-only. Returns true if the associated monitor uses fullpage monitoring, otherwise false. This field defines whether the use_fullpage_time field can have the value of true.

See Also

SLA Operations

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