Script Extension Error Dialog

Applies to TestExecute 15.40, last modified on May 21, 2024

This message appears when an error occurs while loading or using script extensions. The message text includes the name, version, vendor and location of the problematic script extension and a brief description of the error that has occurred.

The following table describes some common errors and their causes and explains how to resolve them.

Note: If the problem resolution requires modification of the extension and you obtained that extension from a third party, please contact the extension’s vendor.
Error Description
Invalid script extension format
  • There are two or more extensions with the same name, vendor and version. For example, the problem occurs if the same extension resides in multiple locations. To resolve the problem, examine the <TestExecute>\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions folder as well as the folders selected in the Script Extensions Options dialog and make sure they do not contain duplicated extensions.

  • One or more script files specified in the extension’s description.xml file are missing. To resolve the problem, make sure that the script file names specified in the description.xml file are spelled correctly and that these script files are available in the script extension.

  • The script extension’s description.xml file does not specify some required information, such as the extension name or version. To correct the error, ensure that the description.xml file contains all the necessary elements and specifies the required attribute values. For more information about the description.xml file, see TestComplete documentation.

Invalid character The script extension includes script files that use the UTF-16 encoding, which is not supported in script extensions. To resolve the problem, save the extension’s script files using the ANSI or UTF-8 encoding and re-package the extension.
Object required: 'object_name'
-- or --
'object_name' is undefined
  • The script extension refers to a TestComplete object that is not available in script extensions.

    TestComplete provides many scripting objects for performing various tasks, but not all of them are available for use in script extensions. You should keep this in mind when creating script extensions out of common test scripts. For a complete list of supported objects, see TestComplete documentation. To resolve the problem, ensure that the TestComplete objects referred to in the script extension’s code are available for use in script extensions.

  • The object is provided by a TestExecute plugin that is not available.

    Some objects and functionality available for use in script extensions are provided by plugins. For example, the User Forms plugin is required to use script extensions that display custom forms, dialog boxes or wizards. The problem occurs if the necessary plugin is either disabled or is not installed in TestExecute.

    To resolve the problem, make sure that the plugins required to use the specified object are installed and enabled in TestExecute. For information about plugins required to use a specific object, see the object’s description in TestComplete documentation. To learn how to install plugins in TestExecute, see Installing Extensions.

Microsoft VBScript compilation error
-- or --
Microsoft JScript compilation error
The script file inside the script extension contains a syntax error. For a complete list of script syntax errors and to learn how to correct them, please see the following articles in MSDN:

VBScript Syntax Errors

JScript Syntax Errors

Microsoft VBScript runtime error
-- or --
Microsoft JScript runtime error
An error occurred while the script extension’s code was being executed. For a complete list of script runtime errors and to learn how to correct them, please see the following articles in MSDN:

VBScript Run-time Errors

JScript Run-time Errors

After eliminating the cause of the problem, you need to reload the extension list. To do this:

  • Right-click the TestExecute icon () in the notification area (tray) and select Install Script Extensions from the context menu. The Script Extensions dialog opens.

  • In the dialog, click Reload and then OK.

See Also

About Script Extensions

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