Region checkpoints let you verify that a tested application’s object is displayed correctly. To perform a region checkpoint in a keyword test, use the Region Checkpoint operation. In scripts, region checkpoints can be done via the Regions.RegionCheckpointName.Check scripting method.

You can create region checkpoints both during test recording and design time. To help you add and configure region checkpoints, TestComplete includes the Checkpoint Wizard. The rest of this topic provides step-by-step instructions on using the wizard.

In This Topic

Note for Mobile Testing: To create a region checkpoint for an object in a mobile application, you can select the object on the Mobile Screen. Make sure that the Mobile Screen window is not hidden when you launch the checkpoint wizard.

In addition, note that the application under test and the mobile device, where it is running, must be prepared for testing in order for TestComplete to be able to access the application’s objects.

1. Launching the Wizard

The way you open the wizard depends on the test creation mode:

  • If you are recording a test, on the Recording toolbar, click Add Check. In the resulting Checkpoint Wizard, click the Image property, and then click Next:

    Region Checkpoint: Selecting checkpoint type

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • If you are editing a keyword test, drag the Checkpoint Wizard or Region Checkpoint operation to your test. You can find them in the Checkpoints category in the Operations panel of the Keyword Test editor. If you add the Checkpoint Wizard option, in the ensuing Checkpoint Wizard dialog, click Image:

    Region Checkpoint: Adding region checkpoints to keyword tests
  • If you are editing a script, click on the Code Editor toolbar. In the Checkpoint Wizard, select Image, and then click Next:

    Adding checkpoints to script tests

2. Specifying the Image to Check

You can specify the image in one of the following ways:

Region Checkpoint: Selecting object

Click the image to enlarge it.

Tips for selecting objects:

  • Using the second approach may be more convenient if you need to manipulate the application before selecting an object. For example, you can open and point to popup windows, tooltips, and other objects that are hidden when being inactive.

  • Instead of selecting the object, you can copy its name from the Object Browser, Object Spy, keyword test, or script code beforehand and paste it into the Object box.

  • Despite the way you specify the object name, you can change or correct it directly in the Object box.

If the Map object names automatically option is selected, TestComplete automatically adds the specified object to the Name Mapping repository (if it is not there already). Your tests will take the object alias from the repository.

In the Stores object name text box, enter the image name. The default name generated by TestComplete is based on the name of the captured object.

Once you have selected the object or object area to verify, click Next to proceed.

3. Specifying a Comparison Mask

On the next page of the wizard, you can select an image comparison mask. It will specify the parts of the region to include in and exclude from verification:

Creating or Selecting the Comparison Mask

Click the image to enlarge it.

Option Description

Don’t use comparison mask

Use if you don’t want to apply a comparison mask.

Use existing comparison mask

Use to load an existing mask from a file.

See instructions

Create new comparison mask

Use to add a new mask for your validation.

See instructions

Click Next to proceed.

4. Specifying Comparison Parameters

On the next page of the wizard, specify the comparison parameters of the checkpoint:

Region Checkpoint comparison parameters
Pixel Tolerance

This parameter specifies the number of allowed different pixels. The default value is 0. It means that the comparison procedure will ignore slight differences between the images during the comparison. If the number of different pixels is less than or equal to the Pixel Tolerance value, TestComplete considers the images identical.

You can specify the value of the Pixel Tolerance parameter either by typing the desired value in the edit box or by dragging the slider on the right of the edit box.

Color Tolerance

If you specify a non-zero value in this edit box, the color dissimilarity between images will be ignored. The allowed difference is specified as an integer value within the range 0…255 that represents an acceptable difference for each color component (red, green, and blue) of the compared pixels. Two pixels are considered identical if the difference between intensities of each of their color components does not exceed the specified value. When ColorTolerance is 0, the compared pixels are considered identical only if they have exactly the same color. When ColorTolerance is 255, pixels of any color are considered identical.

You can specify the value of the Color Tolerance parameter either by typing the desired value in the edit box or by dragging the slider on the right of the edit box.

5. Closing the Wizard

Click Finish to exit the wizard. TestComplete will add the checkpoint statement for the specified image to your test.

If you are creating a region checkpoint while editing a test script, then the generated checkpoint code will be displayed in the Copy Text to Clipboard dialog. You will be able to copy this code to the clipboard and then paste it to the desired place in your script.

See Also

Region Checkpoints
About Region Checkpoints
Checkpoint Wizard
Mobile Screen Window
Selecting an Object on the Mobile Screen (Android Testing)
Select an Object on the Mobile Screen (iOS Testing)

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