About Test Log Window

Applies to TestComplete 14.0, last modified on January 23, 2019

The Test Log window is used to display test results. The test log provides the overall test run summary, indicates passed and failed tests and contains detailed information about each test operation, including the reasons of failed operations.

TestComplete automatically generates test results and shows them in the Test Log window every time the test run is over. Also, you can access the Test Log window at any time. For this purpose, double-click the desired test log item shown under the <Project_Suite_Name Logs> | <Project_Name Logs> node in the Project Explorer panel.

The image below displays a sample view of the Test Log window:

Test results in TestComplete

Information on Test Log

To learn more about

See these topics

Data displayed in the test log window About Test Log
Toolbar of the test log window Test Log's Toolbar
Posting messages, images and files to the log Posting Messages, Images and Files to the Log
Test log panels About Test Log Panels
Working with test results Working With Test Results
Test log options Test Log Options

See Also

About Test Log
Test Results
Posting Images to the Log
Test Log Pages and Panels
Working With Test Results
Log Options Dialog
Project Properties - Playback Options

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