Posting Messages, Images and Files to the Log

Applies to TestComplete 14.0, last modified on January 23, 2019

For each project, TestComplete keeps a complex test log that can include text and images. The test log can contain several types of text messages displayed in the Log panel. For instance, TestComplete can generate error or warning messages to pinpoint errors as well as generate notifications about simulated user actions such as keystrokes or mouse clicks. Your keyword tests or scripts may post any kind of message. Topics of this section describe the techniques that post messages, images and files to the log.

Posting Messages to the Log

Describes how to post error, warning, informative and other messages to the test log from keyword tests and script routines.

Adding Variable Values to Log Messages

Explains how to post variable values to the log.

Specifying Complex Expressions in Log Messages

Explains how to post complex expressions to the log.

Posting Images to the Log

Explains how to post images to the log from script routines and keyword tests.

Specifying Log Images Folder

Explains how to specify the format of images posted to the test log.

Posting Files to the Log

Explains how to post files and file links to the log.

Using Folders

Explains how to organize messages into folders.

Collecting Call Stack Information for Log Messages

Describes how to command the test engine to trace the call stack information for messages and images posted to the log.

See Also

Test Results
About Test Log
Common Tasks for Keyword Test Operations

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