Test Log Pages and Panels

Applies to TestComplete 14.0, last modified on January 23, 2019

Topics of this section contain information about the pages and panels of the TestComplete test log.

About Test Log Panels

Provides an overview of test log panels.

Log Items Panel

Describes the panel displaying the tree-like structure of the test results.

Generic Test Log

Describes panels that make up the generic test log page that is used to display results of keyword tests, script routines, and some other test types.

Project Suite Log

Contains information about panels that display results of project suite runs.

Project Log

Contains information about panels that display results of project runs.

Network Suite Log

Contains information about the log page that displays results of network suite, jobs or tasks execution.

Unit Testing Log

Contains information about the log pages that display unit tests’ results.

MSTest Log

Describes the log pages that display MSTest unit test results.

XML Comparison Results Log Page

Contains information about the log page formed by test commands that compare XML data.

File Comparison Results Log

Describes the log pages formed by test commands that compare files.

CrossBrowserTesting Log Panel

Describes the log panels that show the results of the tests that ran in CrossBrowserTesting environments.

See Also

Test Results
Viewing Test Results

Highlight search results