Checkpoint Wizard - Selecting Data to Check (OCR Checkpoint)

Applies to TestComplete 15.68, last modified on October 03, 2024

On the Select Data to Check page, you specify a string pattern, against which you want to verify the text contents that your OCR checkpoint recognizes in the selected on-screen object.

If you are creating an OCR checkpoint by using the Checkpoint wizard, click OCR. The wizard will capture the image of the selected on-screen object and recognize the text in the image. If you are configuring an OCR Checkpoint operation, the wizard will do it automatically.

In the Pattern for verifying recognized text box, enter the string pattern against which you want to verify the recognized text. You can type it manually or you can select the needed text fragment in the Recognized text box.

The pattern can contain asterisk (*) or question mark (?) wildcards. The asterisk corresponds to a string of any length (including an empty string), the question mark corresponds to any single character (including none). Whether the string is case-sensitive depends on the Playback > Use case-sensitive parameters property of your project.

Click Finish to exit the wizard and add the OCR checkpoint to your test or apply the changes to the checkpoint.

See Also

Checkpoint Wizard
About Checkpoints
Creating OCR Checkpoints
Optical Character Recognition

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