Testing Mobile Applications - Requirements

Applies to TestComplete 15.65, last modified on July 17, 2024

Mobile devices

Mobile devices must be managed by Appium. It can be:

  • A mobile device cloud provided as a service by BitBar. Both the public and private clouds are supported.

    If you do not have a BitBar account, you can sign up for a free trial on the BitBar website:


    To access the cloud from TestComplete tests, use the API key assigned to your BitBar account. See the Prerequisites section. To access a private cloud, you may also need to configure the TestComplete project manually.

    To learn how to install your tested application to the target device in the cloud, see the Prerequisites section.

– or –

  • A private mobile device cloud managed by Appium. It can run on your test workstation (a computer where TestComplete is running) or on a remote computer in your local network:

    • The supported Appium version is 2.x (recommended), 1.x (1.22.3 is advised if you need to use version 1.x). To learn how to install and configure one, see Set up Appium Server.

      Note: Selenium, Selendroid, and other frameworks are not supported.

    • For iOS testing: the XCUITest driver must be installed on your Appium server. See Intro to Appium Drivers.

      Note: Other automation drivers for iOS are not supported.

    • For Android testing: the UIAutomator2 driver must be installed on your Appium server. See How to Install the UiAutomator2 Driver.

      Note: Other automation drivers for Android are not supported.

If you use a mobile device cloud provided as a service by a third-party provider, for instance BitBar, you may be charged for using cloud resources when creating and running tests. Please check the pricing policy of your provider.

TestComplete and TestComplete workstation

  • An active license for TestComplete Mobile Module.

  • The Appium Support plugin must be enabled in TestComplete. You can check the plugin state in the File > Install Extensions dialog in TestComplete. You can find the plugin in the Mobile group.

  • The TestComplete project that will be used to create mobile tests must be configured to support Appium mobile devices. By default, all new projects are configured this way. To make sure that the current project is configured correctly, check its Mobile support type property on the Properties > Mobile Devices > General page. It must be set to Mobile device cloud (BitBar and local Appium).

  • The TestComplete workstation (the computer on which TestComplete is installed) must have access to the server that controls your mobile devices.

  • If you have firewalls or proxies running on your TestComplete workstation or in your local network, make sure that they allow traffic through the port that your Appium server is listening to:

    • For the BitBar device cloud, it is port 4723.

    • For private Appium servers, the port is specified by the server configuration. The default port is 4723.

Tested application

  • Your tested mobile application must be compiled with accessibility information. To learn more, see the documentation for the IDE used to develop the application.

  • Your tested mobile application must be accessible to the mobile device on which you will run tests. See the Prerequisites section.

  • If you test a signed application on a BitBar Dedicated Device, you may need to capture and register the UDID of the provided Dedicated Device to your Apple Developer Account to handle Ad Hoc Provisioning Profiles. Learn more here.

See Also

About Mobile Tests

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