Suites API

Execute suites and retrieve results via CI/CD and other external systems.

List all suites

List all suites in your account.




  "suites": {
    "data": [
        "name": "Regression Tests",
        "suiteId": "regression-tests",
        "created": 1638416940

Response Fields

suites object: A wrapped collection of abridged suites. string: The suite name. string: The suite identifier. number: The suite's creation timestamp as an epoch in seconds.

List suite executions

List recent executions for a given suite.




  "suiteId": "regression-tests",
  "executions": {
    "data": [
        "executionId": 47,
        "url": "",
        "isFinished": false,
        "status": "pending"

Response Fields

suiteId string: The suite identifier.

executions object: A wrapped collection of abridged executions. number: The suite execution identifier. string: The in-app URL that displays information and results about the suite execution. boolean: A boolean indicating whether the suite execution has completed. string: One of: pending, canceled, passed or failed. Summarizes the state of the execution from its test instances.One of: pending, canceled, passed or failed. Summarizes the state of the execution from its test instances.

Execute a suite

Triggers an execution of the specified suite.

The suite-id value for your suite should match the ID value displayed on the Suite Detail page, including casing. (See Integrating via API.)

Reflect identifies certain properties of a scheduled execution as “reserved”. These reserved fields can be overridden with values provided by the API request:

  • hostnames: Allows you to specify a replacement hostname value for a given target hostname.

  • cookies: Allows you to specify cookies that will be set when loading the test’s initial URL. A cookie consists of the following fields:

    • name (required string): The name of the cookie to be set.

    • value (required string): The cookie’s value.

    • domain (optional string): Host to which the cookie will be sent. Defaults to the host of the test’s initial URL.

    • expires (optional number): Epoch timestamp (in milliseconds) indicating when the cookie should be deleted. If unspecified, the cookie becomes a session cookie.

    • httpOnly (optional boolean): Indicates the cookie should be inaccessible to JavaScript on the page and only sent to the server.

    • maxAge (optional number): Number of milliseconds until the cookie expires. If both expires and maxAge are set, maxAge has precedence.

    • path (optional string): A URL path that must exist in a request URL in order to include the cookie in a request.

    • secure (optional boolean): Indicates that the cookie should only be sent to the server when a request is made with https:.

  • headers: Allows you to specify headers that will be sent when loading the test’s initial URL.

    • name (required string): The name of the header.

    • value (required string): The header value.

    • persist (optional boolean): Specifies whether this header should only be set in the initial request or for every subsequent HTTP request (ex: when overriding the Accept-Language header). If set to true, the Authorization header is only set for requests that match the hostname of the test’s original URL. Defaults to false.

  • localStorage and sessionStorage: Allows you to specify local and session storage values to be set on the test’s initial URL.

The variables field allows you to specify a definition for a variable or parameter used in the tests.

Finally, if your Reflect account has OAuthed with GitHub, you can specify a repository, its owner, and a commit SHA in the request to have Reflect automatically post a commit status to GitHub as the suite’s execution progresses.




  "overrides": {
    "hostnames": [{
      "original": "",
      "replacement": ""
    "cookies": [{
      "name": "my-favorite-cookie",
      "value": "chocolate-chip",
      "domain": "",
      "expires": 123456789,
      "httpOnly": false,
      "maxAge": 123,
      "path": "/",
      "secure": true
    "headers": [{
      "name": "X-Custom-Header",
      "value": "custom-value",
      "persist": false
    "localStorage": [{
      "key": "my-local-key",
      "value": "local-value"
    "sessionStorage": [{
      "key": "my-session-key",
      "value": "session-value"
  "variables": {
    "username1": "user+${alpha(8)}",
    "password": "acompletelyunguessablepassword"
  "gitHub": {
    "owner": "repository-owner",
    "repo": "my-repository-name",
    "sha": "0f4212320f2cb6734583ebef3a4928d78d4f3fde"

Request Fields

overrides optional object: Overrides to apply to properties of all tests executed in this scheduled execution.

variables optional object: Collection of ('name', 'definition') variable overrides to apply to this scheduled execution.

gitHub optional object: An object specifying the GitHub repository name, its owner, and commit SHA to post the status of the execution.


  "suiteId": "regression-tests",
  "executionId": 3878,
  "overrides": {
    "hostnames": [
        "original": "",
        "replacement": ""
  "gitHub": {
    "owner": "repository-owner",
    "repo": "my-repository-name",
    "sha": "0f4212320f2cb6734583ebef3a4928d78d4f3fde"
  "url": "",
  "isFinished": false,
  "status": "pending",
  "tests": {
    "data": [],
    "bookmark": ""

Response Fields

suiteId string: The identifier specified in the execution request.

executionId number: The unique numeric identifier assigned to the suite execution.

overrides optional object: Overrides applied to properties of all tests executed in this suite.

gitHub optional object: An object specifying the GitHub repository name, its owner, and commit SHA to post the status of the execution.

url string: The in-app URL that displays information and results about the suite execution.

isFinished boolean: A boolean indicating whether the suite execution has completed.

status string: One of: pending, canceled, passed or failed. Summarizes the state of the execution from its test instances.

tests object: A wrapped collection of test instances (test definition &amp; execution configuration) with individual test runs.

tests.bookmark optional string: Reserved for future - used to read additional test instances.

Execute a data-driven suite

Similar to the execute a suite endpoint, this endpoint invokes a Reflect test suite with a set of optional overrides.

However, this endpoint has the additional capability of accepting a set of data-driven values in a CSV file. Those values are used to override the (test, parameters) pairs for a specific Run Tests action in the Suite. Multiple CSV files can be sent to override different Run Tests actions.


This endpoint requires sending data in a multipart request, consisting of:



Or via curl through the following command:

curl \
  -H 'X-API-KEY: <API-KEY>' \
  -F 'config={"actionNameByFilename": {"one.csv": "run-tests-1", "two.csv": "run-tests-2"}};type=application/json' \
  -F fileone=@one.csv \
  -F filetwo=@two.csv \<suite-id>/executions/data-driven

Request CSV file format

Each CSV file in the request should be in the following format:

Test Name or ID,Parameter One,Parameter Two,Parameter Three
1,value one,${var(one)},value three
1,,value two,${var(two)}
two,value one,value two,value three

The first column is the ID or name of a Test, all columns that follow are values for the parameter names specified in the header row of the CSV.

Note that any column whose value is left empty will not be overridden. For example, in the second data row ‘Parameter One’ is not overridden with any value.

Request JSON Fields

actionNameByFilename object: Collection of ('CSV file name', 'Custom Action Name') pairs, where the 'Custom Action Name' is the custom name you have assigned to a Run Tests action in the Suite.

overrides optional object: Overrides to apply to properties of all tests executed in this scheduled execution. See 'Execute a suite' for details on the properties that can be overridden.

variables optional object: Collection of ('name', 'definition') variable overrides to apply to this scheduled execution.

gitHub optional object: An object specifying the GitHub repository name, its owner, and commit SHA to post the status of the execution.

Response Fields

suiteId string: The identifier specified in the execution request.

executionId number: The unique numeric identifier assigned to the suite execution.

overrides optional obejct: Overrides applied to properties of all tests executed in this suite.

gitHub optional object: An object specifying the GitHub repository name, its owner, and commit SHA to post the status of the execution.

url string: The in-app URL that displays information and results about the suite execution.

isFinished boolean: A boolean indicating whether the suite execution has completed.

status string: One of: pending, canceled, passed or failed. Summarizes the state of the execution from its test instances.

tests object: A wrapped collection of test instances (test definition &amp; execution configuration) with individual test runs.

tests.bookmark optional string: Reserved for future - used to read additional test instances.

Get execution status

Returns the completion status of the specified suite.




  "suiteId": "regression-tests",
  "executionId": 36,
  "overrides": {
    "hostnames": [
        "original": "",
        "replacement": ""
  "gitHub": {
    "owner": "repository-owner",
    "repo": "my-repository-name",
    "sha": "0f4212320f2cb6734583ebef3a4928d78d4f3fde"
  "url": "",
  "isFinished": true,
  "status": "passed",
  "tests": {
    "data": [
        "instanceId": 0,
        "testId": 683,
        "actionName": "run-tests-1",
        "startingUrl": "",
        "status": "passed",
        "runs": [
            "runId": 2641,
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "status": "passed",
            "variables": {},
            "startTime": 1643734963077,
            "endTime": 1643734979203,
            "runTime": 16126,
            "timestamp": 1643734979647,
            "videoUrl": "",
            "stepCount": 14
        "instanceId": 1,
        "testId": 686,
        "startingUrl": "",
        "status": "passed",
        "runs": [
            "runId": 2642,
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "status": "passed",
            "variables": {},
            "startTime": 1643734994863,
            "endTime": 1643735012070,
            "runTime": 17207,
            "timestamp": 1643735012534,
            "videoUrl": "",
            "stepCount": 9
        "instanceId": 2,
        "testId": 688,
        "startingUrl": "",
        "status": "failed",
        "runs": [
            "runId": 2643,
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "status": "failed",
            "variables": {},
            "startTime": 1643734996842,
            "endTime": 1643735012095,
            "runTime": 15253,
            "timestamp": 1643735012539,
            "videoUrl": "",
            "stepCount": 6,
            "failedStepIndex": {
              "4": "Visual Observe Failed - image difference exceeds limit",
              "5": "Element Selection Failed"
    "bookmark": ""

Response Fields

suiteId string: The identifier specified in the execution request.

executionId number: The unique numeric identifier assigned to the suite execution.

overrides optional object: Overrides applied to properties of all tests executed in this suite.

gitHub optional object: An object specifying the GitHub repository name, its owner, and commit SHA to post the status of the execution.

url string: The in-app URL that displays information and results about the suite execution.

isFinished boolean: A boolean indicating whether the suite execution has completed.

status string: One of: pending, canceled, passed or failed.

tests object: A wrapped collection of test instances (test definition &amp; execution configuration) with individual test runs.

tests.bookmark optional string: Reserved for future - used to read additional test instances. number: The identifier for a logical test instance (definition &amp; configuration) in the execution. number: The identifier for the test. optional string: The name assigned to the Run Tests action the instance originated from, if one was given. string: The initial URL used by the test, accounting for any user-specified overrides. string: One of: pending, passed or failed. Summarizes the outcome of the test instance from its runs. object: An array of test runs for a single test instance, with completion timestamp and status. string: The browser used to execute this test run. One of: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari. string: The outcome of the test run. Either passed or failed. object: The variables that were used or created by the test run. number: Timestamp of when the test run started. number: Timestamp of when the test run stopped. number: Total time that the test run spent running (endTime - startTime). number: Timestamp that the test run's execution was recorded in Reflect. string: The URL of a video recording of the test run. number: The number of steps in the executed definition. optional object: A dictionary containing the failed steps from the test run. The key represents the index of the step (zero-based), and the value is a summary error message describing the failure encountered during that step. Only defined when the status of the run is failed.

Cancel an execution

Attempts to cancel the specified suite execution.




  "suiteId": "regression-tests",
  "executionId": 3878,
  "success": true

Response Fields

suiteId string: The identifier specified in the execution request.

executionId number: The unique numeric identifier assigned to the suite execution.

success boolean: A boolean indicating whether the suite execution was successfully canceled.

Publication date: