Features Added to Ready! API 1.7

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

This topic describes the changes made to Ready! API 1.7.

Ready! API Platform

  • Overall performance improvements. (API-4604, API-4519, API-4678, API-3988)

  • Better license messaging: When you attempt to activate a license that has been activated, Ready! API prevents the activation and displays detailed information on previous activation. (API-4528)

  • Updated proxy indicator: The Proxy toolbar button has a new icon that helps you easily check if the proxy is used or not. (SOAP-4739)

    Automated API testing with Ready! API: New Proxy icon
  • A number of bugs have been fixed.


  • Swagger is supported out of the box now (in the past, you need a plugin). This means you can open Swagger definitions of your web services in Ready! API and create tests for them. (SOAP-4910)\ Support for SwaggerHub is implemented by a plugin, so far.

  • Better support for OAuth authentication: you can now get the OpenID id_token value from the server's response and use it in your requests. (SOAP-4782)

  • A new REST VirtResponse test step helps you simulate arbitrary responses for REST requests easily. (SOAP-4882)

  • Test case filter improvements: you can now easily find test cases that have all or any of the specified tags. (SOAP-5156)

  • It is possible now to use tags to specify test cases for execution by the Maven plugin. (SOAP-4988)

  • You can now filter requests recorded by the API discovery feature by operation type (like GET or POST), content type, response code or parts of URLs. (SOAP-5115)

  • Now your test case can load multiple rows from a data source in one iteration of a DataSource loop. See Data Source Test Step. (SOAP-2825)

  • The DataSource test steps that use Excel files now consume less memory and work faster. (API-4240)

  • The HTML response view does not display binary response contents now (videos, images and so on). It has a new Export button that saves these contents to a file. (SOAP-5381)

  • The SOAP Request, REST Request and HTTP Request test steps now have the RawResponse custom property. It returns the headers and body of the received server response. (SOAP-5380)

  • Nicer and more convenient UI:

    • All editors have noticeable headers now. (SOAP-5075)

    • Tabs in some editors moved to an upper level. This made navigation clearer, especially for novice users. (SOAP-5081)

      Automated API testing with Ready! API: UI improvements
    • The progress bar and information on exceptions moved from the test editor to the bottom status bar. (SOAP-5078)

    • The Projects > Your-API  > Overview page has links to documentation pages. (SOAP-5164)

    • To display long property name, the controls in the Property Transfer editor are sizeable now, also we added scroll bars to the drop-down lists of these combo boxes. (SOAP-4880)

      Automated API testing with Ready! API: Sizeable controls
  • The Transaction Log and Compare pages of the test editor display more detailed information on test operations. (API-4306)

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.


  • Now you can monitor WildFly (JBOSS) server metrics. JBOSS 7 and WildFly 10 are supported. (LOADUI-1619)

  • Creating new load tests has been simplified. A new Create Load Test dialog includes pre-configured test templates for popular load test scenarios. (LOADUI-4046)

  • Now you can easily toggle on or off all metrics for some server on the Server Monitoring Chart at once. In the past, you had to toggle individual metrics. (LOADUI-1791)

  • Now it is possible to create endless loops. To do this, enter -1 into the Number of loop box when creating a loop. (LOADUI-4252)

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.


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