Transaction Log Page

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on July 23, 2024

The Transaction Log page contains the tests and results for the most recent run of the current level.

This page is available at the following levels:

  • Project
  • Test suite
  • Test case
ReadyAPI: The Transaction Log page

Click the image to enlarge it.

You can also view the test suite and test case results on the Test Suite Status and Test Case Status tiles of the Dashboard respectively. If you do not have these tiles on the Dashboard, you can add them any time.

Configuring Transaction Log

To configure the transaction log, click .

Here, you can select one of the following options:

  • Log Options opens the Log Options dialog.

  • Export Results exports the log to a file.

  • Reset Sort Order resets the table’s sorting order to the default value: Run Date (Ascending).

  • Clear Results deletes results from the log.

Log Options Dialog

The Log Options dialog contains settings for the log's behavior.

  • Disable logging – turns the logging off.

  • Errors Only – enable this option to log only errors and skip all other information about test steps.

  • Follow –  enables the automatic scroll to the current log position.

Filtering Test Results

ReadyAPI allows filtering visible test step results using the assertion results. Use the following filtering rules:

  • Fail – shows results with assertions failed.

  • Pass – shows results with successful assertions.

  • Unknown – shows results without assertions.

Note: If you have not selected any check boxes, all test steps will be visible. With all check boxes selected, canceled test steps will not appear.

Test Step Details

To quickly view the element details in the transaction log, click Open next to the test step.

ReadyAPI: The Transaction Log item details

Click the image to enlarge it.

For test suites and test cases, ReadyAPI will open the respective editor.

For test steps, ReadyAPI will display a short summary of the test step execution results. For example, if you open the request test step, you will see the request ReadyAPI sent and the response it received.

Stored Results Location

To make sure the project file does not grow with each test run, ReadyAPI stores functional test results in a separate database in the <user folder>/.readyapi/db/readyapi.h2.db file. You can change the number of stored results from Test History settings.

See Also

Compare Page
Test History Page

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