The QAComplete REST API provides the following resources and operations:
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects | GET | Returns QAComplete projects. |
/projects/{ProjectId} | GET | Returns a QAComplete project by its ID. |
Attachments (files)
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/files | GET | Returns a list of attachments of the specified item (a defect, requirement, and so on). |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/files | POST | Adds a new attachment. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/files/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes an attachment. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/files/{Id} | GET | Gets information on an attachment. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/files/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified attachment. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/files/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the fields of the specified attachment. |
Linked items
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/EntityCode/EntityId/linkeditems | GET | Returns a list of linked items for an item registered in the QAComplete project. |
projects/ProjectId/EntityCode/EntityId/linkeditems | POST | Creates a new link between QAComplete items. |
projects/ProjectId/EntityCode/EntityId/linkeditems/search | POST | Returns a filtered list of linked items for an item registered in the QAComplete project. |
projects/ProjectId/EntityCode/EntityId/linkeditems/{Id} | GET | Returns a linked item by the link ID. |
projects/ProjectId/EntityCode/EntityId/linkeditems/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified link from QAComplete. |
Notes (comments)
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/notes | GET | Returns a list of notes added to the specified item (a defect, requirement, and so on). |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/notes | POST | Adds a new note to an item. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/notes/{Id} | GET | Gets information on a note. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/notes/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified note. |
/projects/{ProjectID}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/notes/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes a note from an item. |
Defects (bugs)
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/defects | GET | Returns a list of defects registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/defects | POST | Add a new defect to QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/defects/search | POST | Returns the filtered list of defects registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/defects/{Id} | GET | Returns a defect by its ID. |
projects/ProjectId/defects/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified defect. |
projects/ProjectId/defects/{Id} | PATCH | Updates specified fields of a defect. |
projects/ProjectId/defects/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified defect from QAComplete. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/releases | GET | Returns a list of releases registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/releases | POST | Adds a new release to QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/releases/{Id} | GET | Returns a release by its ID. |
projects/ProjectId/releases/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified release. |
projects/ProjectId/releases/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the specified fields of a release. |
projects/ProjectId/releases/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified release from QAComplete. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/requirements | GET | Returns a list of requirements registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/requirements | POST | Adds a new requirement to QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/requirements/search | POST | Returns a filtered list of requirements registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/requirements/{Id} | GET | Returns a requirement by its ID. |
projects/ProjectId/requirements/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified requirement (replaces the contents of the requirement with new contents). |
projects/ProjectId/requirements/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the specified requirement (updates the specified field values). |
projects/ProjectId/requirements/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified requirement from QAComplete. |
Test sets
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets | GET | Returns a list of a project’s test sets. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets | POST | Creates a new test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id} | GET | Returns a test set by its ID. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id} | PUT | Updates a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the specified fields of a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items | GET | Returns a list of test set items (tests). |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items | POST | Adds test set items (tests) to a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items | PUT | Updates a list of test set items (tests). |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items | PATCH | Updates the fields of test set items in the specified test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items | DELETE | Deletes all test set items (tests) from a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items/{Seq} | GET | Returns a test set item by its ordinal number in a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items/{Seq} | POST | Inserts a test set item to the specified position in a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items/{Seq} | PUT | Updates a test set item at the specified position in a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items/{Seq} | PATCH | Updates the fields of a test set item specified by its position in a test set. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testsets/{Id}/items/{Seq} | DELETE | Deletes a test set item from the specified position in a test set. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/tests | POST | Add a new test to QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/tests/search | POST | Returns a filtered list of tests in QAComplete the project contains. |
projects/ProjectId/tests/{Id} | GET | Returns a test by its ID. |
projects/ProjectId/tests/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified test. |
projects/ProjectId/tests/{Id} | PATCH | Updates specified fields of a test. |
projects/ProjectId/tests/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified test from QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/tests/{Id} | GET | Returns a list of tests in QAComplete. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects/{ProjectId}/metadata | GET | Returns an array of objects that describe fields the specified entity can have. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects/{ProjectId}/sendemail/{EntityCode}/{Id} | POST | Emails detailed information on the specified item (a test, a test run, a defect, and so on) to the specified users. |
Item History
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/{EntityId}/audits | GET | Returns the history of the item (a test, a release, and so on) specified by its ID it has in the specified project. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/serverinfo | GET | Returns information on the server. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/projects/{PorjectId}/{EntityCode}/folders | GET | Returns information on folders specified for an entity. |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/folders | POST | Adds a new folder for items of the specified entity type. |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/folders/{Id} | GET | Returns information about the folder containing items of the specified entity type. |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/folders/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified folder. |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/folders/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the specified folder’s fields. |
/projects/{ProjectId}/{EntityCode}/folders/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified folder. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/depts | GET | Returns a list of departments. |
/depts/{DeptId} | GET | Returns a department by its ID. |
Security groups
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/depts/{DeptId}/securitygroups | GET | Returns a list of security groups in the specified department. |
/depts/{DeptId}/securitygroups/{Name} | GET | Returns a list of privileges for the specified security group. |
/depts/{DeptiId}/users/{Id}/securitygroups | GET | Returns a list of security groups to which a user belongs. |
/depts/{DeptiId}/users/{Id}/securitygroups | PUT | Replaces the list of security groups to which a user belongs. |
/depts/{DeptiId}/users/{Id}/securitygroups | PATCH | Updates the list of security groups to which a user belongs. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
/depts/{DeptId}/users | GET | Returns all users from the specified department. |
/depts/{DeptId}/users | POST | Creates a new user. |
/depts/{DeptId}/users/{UserId} | GET | Returns specified user profile information. |
/depts/{DeptId}/users/{UserId} | PUT | Updates a user profile. |
/depts/{DeptId}/users/{UserId} | PATCH | Updates fields in a specified user profile. |
/depts/{DeptId}/users/{UserId} | DELETE | Deletes a user. |
/{ProjId}/users | GET | Returns all users of the specified project. |
/{ProjId}/users/{UserId} | GET | Returns information about the specified user of a project. |
Agile tasks
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/agiletasks | GET | Returns a list of agile tasks registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/agiletasks | POST | Adds a new agile task to QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/agiletasks/{Id} | GET | Returns an agile task by its ID. |
projects/ProjectId/agiletasks/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified agile tasks (replaces the contents of the agile task with new contents). |
projects/ProjectId/agiletasks/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the specified agile task (updates the specified field values). |
projects/ProjectId/agiletasks/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified agile task from QAComplete. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/ProjectId/configurations | GET | Returns a list of configurations registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/configurations | POST | Adds a new configuration to QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/configurations/search | POST | Returns a filtered list of configurations registered in QAComplete. |
projects/ProjectId/configurations/{Id} | GET | Returns a configuration by its ID. |
projects/ProjectId/configurations/{Id} | PUT | Updates the specified configurations (replaces the contents of the configuration with new contents). |
projects/ProjectId/configurations/{Id} | PATCH | Updates the specified configuration (updates the specified field values). |
projects/ProjectId/configurations/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified configuration from QAComplete. |
Test runs
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns | GET | Returns a list of test runs in the project. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns | POST | Adds a new test run to the project. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id} | GET | Returns the specified test run. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id} | DELETE | Deletes the specified test run. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/items | GET | Returns a list of test run items. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/items/{ItemId} | GET | Returns the specified test run item. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/items/{ItemId} | PATCH | Updates the specified test run item. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/items/{ItemId} | PUT | Updates the specified test run item. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/items/{ItemId}/log | POST | Uploads the test log. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/items/{ItemId}/report | POST | Uploads the report log in the .mht format. |
projects/{ProjectId}/testruns/{Id}/restart | POST | Restarts a test run. |
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations | GET | Returns a list of automations a QAComplete test contains. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent} | GET | Returns information on a specific automation by a name of its agent. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent} | POST | Adds a new automation to a specified QAComplete test. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent} | PUT | Updates the specified automation. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent} | PATCH | Updates the specified fields of automation. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent} | DELETE | Deletes the specified automation from QAComplete. |
Automation attachments
Operation | HTTP Method | Description |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent}/attachment | GET | Returns information on an attachment of the specified automation. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent}/attachment | POST | Adds a new attachment to the specified automation. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent}/attachment | PUT | Updates the specified attachment. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent}/attachment | PATCH | Updates the specified fields of an attachment. |
projects/{ProjectId}/tests/{TestId}/automations/{Agent}/attachment | DELETE | Deletes the specified attachment. |