
Applies to QAComplete 14.4, last modified on June 20, 2024

Creates a new folder for items of the specified entity type in QAComplete.

Use the operation to create a new folder for items of the specified entity type in the specified project in QAComplete.

To update all the fields of the folder, use the …/{EntityCode}/folders/{id} (PUT) operation. To update specific fields of a folder, use the …/{EntityCode}/folders/{id} (PATCH) operation.


Basic authentication using a user’s login and password. See Authentication for details.

Security Rights

The authenticating user must belong to a security group that has the Add privilege for the specified entity type.

Request Format

To create a folder, send a POST request to the following URL:

URL parameters

ProjectId  :  integer, required

The ID of the project, to which you want to add a folder.

EntityCode  :  string, required

The entity to add the folder to. Possible values:

  • Releases
  • Bugs (defects)
  • FunctionalSpecs (requirements)
  • Tests
  • TestSets
  • TestSteps
Body parameters

In the request body, pass the RequestFolderPost object that describes the folder to be created.

"FolderName": "string",
"Description": "string",
"IsPublic": "boolean",
"ParentName": "string",
"IsActive": "boolean"

FolderName  :  string, required

The folder’s name.

Description  :  string

The short description of the folder.

IsPublic  :  boolean

Defines whether the folder is public or private. Default value: true.

ParentName  :  string

The parent folder’s name.

IsActive  :  boolean

Defines whether the folder is active or hidden. Default value: false.

A sample request:

Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic am9obkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwQHNzd29yZA==
Content-Length: 158

"FolderName": "Sample Folder",
"Description": "My first sample folder.",
"IsPublic": true,
"IsActive": true

A sample request made by using cURL:

curl -u [email protected]:p@ssword -d @folder.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"

Response Format

If successful, the operation responds with HTTP status code 200. The response is a JSON object with information on the added folder.

A sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 528

  "id": 254,
  "parent_id": 0,
  "project_id": 11873,
  "entity_code": "Requirements",
  "folder_name": "Sample Folder",
  "is_active": true,
  "description: "My first sample folder."
  "is_public": true,
  "date_created": "2013-09-14T13:53:53.4230000",
  "date_updated": "2013-09-14T13:53:53.4230000",
  "update_user_id": 24663,
  "owner_user_id": 24663,
  "full_folder_name": "Sample Folder",
  "updated_user_name": "Smith, John",
  "created_user_name": "Smith, John"

Error responses

If the operation fails, it returns the appropriate status code and (optionally) the error description in the response body.

If the project with the specified ProjectId does not exist or the authenticating user does not have rights to access the project, the operation returns the Access is denied error.

If the specified entity does not exist, the operation returns the 'Invalid entity code' error.

See Also

Folders REST API Reference

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