
Applies to QAComplete 14.5, last modified on August 06, 2024

Updates the specified fields of a test set.

Use the operation to update individual fields of an existing test set in QAComplete.

To add a new test set, use the …/testsets (POST) operation.

To update all the fields of a test set, use the …/testsets/{Id} (PUT) operation.


Basic authentication using a user’s login and password. See Authentication for details.

Security Rights

The authenticating user must belong to a security group that has the Update privilege for Test Set.

Request Format

To update the test set, send a PATCH request to the following URL:

URL parameters

ProjectId  :  integer, required

The ID of the project to which the test set belongs.

Id  :  integer, required

The ID of the test set to update.

Body parameters

In the request body, pass the RequestTestSetPatch JSON object that specifies the test set’s fields to be updated:

  "Title": "string",
  "FolderId": "int",
  "IsSequential": "boolean",
  "AssigneeUserId": "int",
  "StatusCode": "string",
  "PriorityCode": "string",
  "ExecutionType": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "OwnerUserId": "int"

Some string property values (for example, StatusCode) are based on the choice lists defined in your QAComplete project. You can find these values in the Test Management > Test Sets > Actions > Manage Choice Lists panel in QAComplete.

The property values you do not specify remain unchanged.

Title  :  string

The title (name) of the test set. Cannot be empty.

FolderId  :  integer

The ID of the folder to which the test set belongs.

IsSequnetial  :  boolean

Specifies whether the tests in the test set will run in sequence.

AssigneeUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user to whom the test set is assigned. 0 if the test set is not assigned to anyone.

StatusCode  :  string

The test set status. Possible values are based on the choice list.

PriorityCode  :  string

The test set priority. Possible values are based on the choice list.

ExecutionType  :  string

Specifies how the test set will run. Possible values are based on the choice list.

Description  :  string

The test set description. Can include an HTML markup.

OwnerUserId  :  integer

The ID of the user who owns the test set.

A sample request:

Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic am9obkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwQHNzd29yZA==
Content-Length: 85

  "Title": "Automated Tests",
  "Status": "Approved",
  "AssigneeUserId": "24718"

A sample request made by using cURL:

curl -u [email protected]:p@ssword -d {"Title": "Automated Tests", "Status": "Approved", "AssigneeUserId": "24718"} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"

Response Format

On success, the operation responds with HTTP status code 200 and returns a JSON object with the updated test set information.

A sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1153

  "id": 182,
  "project_id": 11873,
  "folder_id": 0,
  "create_user_id": 25264,
  "update_user_id": 25264,
  "owner_user_id": 25264,
  "assignee_user_id": 24718,
  "title": "Automated Tests",
  "is_active": true,
  "is_sequential": true,
  "status_code": "Approved",
  "priority_code": "3-Low",
  "execution_type": "Automated",
  "description": "",
  "date_created": "2015-07-31T10:19:10.5870000",
  "date_updated": "2015-09-09T09:28:27.0000000",
  "assigned_to_name": "Brown, Jane",
  "user_name": "Smith, John",
  "owner_name": "Smith, John",
  "nbr_tests": 2,
  "last_run_status": "Passed",
  "last_run_date": "2015-09-06T10:53:07.0000000",
  "last_run_by_user_id": 25264,
  "last_run_by_name": "Smith, John",
  "nbr_times_run": 2,
  "avg_run_time": 0,
  "avg_run_time_formated": "00:00:00",
  "nbr_files": 0,
  "nbr_notes": 0,
  "last_run_release_id": 204,
  "last_run_release_name": "Internal BETA Release",
  "last_run_test_config_id": 114,
  "last_run_test_config_name": "Configuration A",
  "allow_run": true,
  "nbr_schedules": 1

Error responses

If the operation fails, it returns the appropriate status code and (optionally) the error description in the response body.

If the project with the specified ProjectId does not exist or the authenticating user does not have rights to access the project, the operation returns the Access is denied error.

If the test set with the specified ID does not exist, the operation returns the Entity TestSet with Id Test_Set_ID was not found error.

See Also

Test Sets Resources

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