Adds a new user inside a specified department.
Use this operation to add a new user to a specified department in QAComplete.
To replace an existing user, use the /depts/{DeptId}/users/{UserId} (PUT) operation.
You cannot set a password for the newly created user with this method. To set a password, a new user should click Forgot Password on a QAComplete logon screen.
Basic authentication using a user’s login and password. See Authentication for details.
Security Rights
The authenticating user must have administrator privileges.
Request Format
To add a user to the department, send a POST request to the following URL:
URL parameters
DeptId : integer, required
The ID of the needed department.
Body parameters
In the request body, pass the RequestUserPost
object that contains data about the user to create.
"LastName": "string",
"FirstName": "string",
"MiddleName": "string",
"Email": "string",
"TimeZone": "string",
"IsSecurityAdmin": boolean,
"Phone": "string",
"CompanyName": "string",
"IsAdAccount": boolean,
"AdSearchValue": "string",
"Custom1": "string",
"Custom2": "string",
"Custom3": "string",
"Custom4": "string",
"Custom5": "string",
"Custom6": "string",
"Custom7": "string",
"Custom8": "string",
"Custom9": "string",
"Custom10": "string",
LastName : string, required
The last name of the user to create.
FirstName : string, required
The first name of the user to create.
MiddleName : string
The middle name of the user to create.
Email : string, required
An email of the user to create.
TimeZone : string
A time zone of the user to create.
IsSecurityAdmin : boolean
True if the newly created user will be a security administrator, False otherwise.
Phone : string
A phone number of the user to create.
CompanyName : string
A company of the user to create.
IsAdAccount : boolean
True if the newly created user will use an Active Directory account, False otherwise.
AdSearchValue : string
An Active Directory search value for the newly created user.
Custom[1-10] : string
A custom field.
A sample request:
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic am9obkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwQHNzd29yZA==
Content-Length: 80
"LastName": "Doe",
"FirstName": "John",
"Email": "[email protected]"
A sample request made by using cURL:
curl -i [email protected]:p@ssword -F @user.txt -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
Response Format
If successful, the operation responds with HTTP status code 200. The response is a JSON object with information on the newly created user.
A sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 507
"id": 24793,
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"is_logged_on": false,
"is_security_admin": false,
"is_active": true,
"nbr_times_logon": 0,
"date_of_anniv": "1900-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
"is_selected": false,
"update_user_id": 0,
"date_created": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
"date_updated": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
"discount": 0,
"import_id": 0,
"primary_dept_id": 8162,
"logon_attempts": 0,
"is_a_d_account": false
The unique identifier of the user.
The first name of the user.
The last name of the user.
The primary email address of the user.
True if the user is logged on QAComplete.
True if the user is the security administrator.
True if the user account is active, False otherwise.
The number of times the user was logged in to QAComplete.
The date of the user's anniversary.
True if the user is selected for further actions, False otherwise.
The date and time when the user was created.
The date and time when the user was last updated.
The information on the user's currently active discounts.
The unique import identifier of the user.
The unique identifier of the user's primary department.
The number of the user's logon attempts.
True if the user is using an Active Directory account, False otherwise.
The ID of the last user who updated this user.
Error responses
If the operation fails, it returns the appropriate status code and (optionally) the error description in the response body.