Returns a filtered list of tests a project contains.
Use the operation to get a filtered list of tests defined in the QACompleteTest Library. This operation is fully equivalent to the /projects/{ProjectId}/tests (GET) operation, but this one allows you to send a large filter string.
To get information on an individual test by its ID, use the …/tests/{Id} (GET)
Basic authentication using a user’s login and password. See Authentication for details.
Security Rights
The authenticating user must belong to a security group that has the Read privilege for the Test Library.
Request Format
To get a filtered list of tests, send a POST request to the following URL:
URL parameters
ProjectId : integer, required
The ID of the project.
offset : integer, default: 0
The number of tests to skip before counting the returned tests. The default value is 0, which is the offset of the first item. For details, see Paging Through Results Using Offset and Limit.
limit : integer, default: 25
The maximum number of tests to return in the response.
Body parameters
In the request body, pass the RequestTestsAllPost
object that describes the tests to search for.
"Filter": "string"
Some string property values (for example, Status
) are based on the choice lists defined in your QAComplete project. You can find these values in the Test Management > Test Library > Tools > Manage Choice Lists panel in QAComplete.
Filter : string
The filter expression to apply to the returned list. See Search Filters.
A sample request:
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic am9obkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwQHNzd29yZA==
Content-Length: 58
"Filter": "(status ~ 'Awaiting') AND (active = true)"
A sample request made by using cURL:
curl -u [email protected]:p@ssword -d @tests.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
Response Format
On success, the operation responds with HTTP status code 200 and returns a JSON object with information about the tests.
A sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1792
"metadata": {
"result_set": {
"count": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 25,
"total": 1
"permissions": {
"acl": 7
"results": [
"id": 1,
"title": "Test input data",
"status": "Awaiting Approval",
"project_id": 11873,
"__permissions": {
"acl": 7
"active": true,
"assigned_to_name": "Smith, John",
"assignee_user_id": 25264,
"avg_run_time": 375,
"avg_run_time_formated": "00:06:15",
"create_user_id": 25264,
"custom_fields": [
"Id": "Custom1",
"Name": "Components",
"Value": "UI"
"date_created": "2015-07-31T10:19:10.5870000",
"date_last_escalated": "2015-09-02T10:53:07.0000000",
"date_updated": "2015-09-09T09:28:27.0000000",
"description": "Test input data",
"execution_type": "Manual",
"folder_id": 8,
"folder_name": "Regression Tests",
"import_id": 143,
"last_escalation_rule": "Esc Rule 1",
"last_escalation_rule_id": 0,
"last_run_by_name": "Smith, John",
"last_run_by_user_id": 25264,
"last_run_date": "2015-09-06T10:53:07.0000000",
"last_run_test_set": 2,
"last_run_test_set_title": "Regression Tests",
"nbr_escalations": 2,
"nbr_events": 0,
"nbr_fail_status": 2,
"nbr_files": 0,
"nbr_files_not_secured": 0,
"nbr_notes": 0,
"nbr_pass_status": 4,
"nbr_steps": 1,
"nbr_times_run": 6,
"notes_description": "note 1",
"original_id": 0,
"owner_name": "Smith, John",
"owner_user_id": 25264,
"priority": "3-Low",
"script_name": "",
"script_source_id": 0,
"test_steps": [
"id": 5,
"permissions": {
"acl": 7
"create_user_id": 25264,
"date_created": "2015-08-09T09:27:45.6700000",
"date_updated": "2015-09-09T10:28:27.0000000",
"expected_result": "The Tools dialog opens",
"is_stopped_on_fail": false,
"nbr_files": 0,
"script_name": "",
"script_source_id": 0
"seq": 1,
"step": "Select Tools from the application's main menu",
"title": "Test input data",
"update_user_id": 25264
"test_type": "Regression",
"update_user_id": 25264,
"user_name": "Smith, John",
"version": 4
Metadata about the test list.
Pagination information about the test list. (See Paging Through Results Using Offset and Limit).
The number of returned tests.
The offset of the first test requested.
The maximum number of tests requested.
The total number of tests.
The authenticating user’s rights to access tests.
Access rights:
- 0 - None
- 1 - Read
- 2 - Update
- 3 - Read and update
- 4 - Delete
- 5 - Read and delete
- 7 - Full access
An array of tests.
The ID of the QAComplete project that contains the tests.
An array of test steps that belong to a test.
The unique identifier of the step among other test steps in the Test Library.
The title of the test to which the step belongs.
The ordinal number of the step in the test.
Specifies whether the test will stop if the step fails.
Describes instructions for a tester to follow during the step. Can contain an HTML markup.
The date when the step was created.
The date when the test was created.
The date when the step was last modified.
The date when the test was last modified.
The ID of the user who created the step.
The ID of the user who created the test.
The ID of the last user who modified the step.
The ID of the last user who modified the test.
The number of files attached to the step.
The number of files attached to the test.
The ID of the test to which the step belongs.
The unique identifier of the test.
Specifies how the test will run. Possible values are based on the choice list.
Specifies whether the test is enabled (active).
The ID of the folder to which the test belongs.
Specifies the test priority. Possible values are based on the choice list.
The test description. Can include an HTML markup.
The ID of the user who owns the test.
The name of the user, to whom the test is assigned, in the Last name, First name format.
The ID of the user to whom the test is assigned. 0 if the test is not assigned to anyone.
The title of the test.
The type of the test. Possible values are based on the choice list.
The version of the test.
The test’s average runtime in seconds.
The date when the test was last processed by an escalation rule.
The name of the folder to which the test belongs.
The ID of the operation that imported the test from an external file to the Test Library. If the test was not imported, is 0.
The ID of the escalation rule that processed the test last. 0 if no escalation rule processed the test.
The name of the user who ran the test last, in the Last name, First name format.
The ID of the user, who ran the test last.
The date when the test ran last.
The ID of the test set, as part of which the test ran last.
The number of times the test was processed by escalation rules.
The number of times the test failed.
The number of notes attached to the test.
The number of times the test passed.
The number of steps the test has.
The number of times the test ran.
The original ID of the test as it was specified in an external file before the test was imported to QAComplete. If the test was not imported, 0.
The name of the user, who owns the test, in the Last name, First name format.
The name of the last user, who updated the test, in the Last name, First name format.
An array of objects that describe the test’s custom fields and their values.
The status of the test. Possible values are based on the choice list.
The test’s average run time, in the hh:mm:ss format.
The name of the escalation rule that processed the test last.
The name of the test set, as part of which the test ran last.
The latest note attached to the test. Can include an HTML markup.
The expected outcome of the actions a tester performs during the step. Can contain an HTML markup.
The unique identifier of a custom field.
The field name.
The field value.
Error responses
If the operation fails, it returns the appropriate status code and (optionally) the error description in the response body.
If the project with the specified ProjectId does not exist or the authenticating user does not have rights to access the project, the operation returns the Access is denied