Platform Compliance Profiler Options

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Platform Compliance profiler includes a number of options that work at runtime and define the specifics of profiler functioning.

You can view and modify these options in the following dialogs –

  • In the Profiler Options dialog that is displayed when you run the profiler (see Setting Profiler Options Before the Run).

  • In the Options dialog. To invoke it, select Options > Options from AQTime’s main menu. Then choose Profilers > Static Analysis > Platform Compliance from the tree on the left.In the Options dialog. To invoke it, select Tools > Options from Visual Studio’s main menu. Then choose AQTime > Profilers > Static Analysis > Platform Compliance from the tree on the left.In the Options dialog. To invoke it, select AQTime > Options from Embarcadero RAD Studio’s main menu. Then choose Profilers > Static Analysis > Platform Compliance from the tree on the left.

    You can also invoke this dialog by pressing Configure Current Profiler on the Standard toolbar when the profiler is selected.

The options are –

  • Compliance level - Specifies what type of API calls to check for. It can be one of the following values:

    Value Description
    Obsolete and Unsupported Supported functions are removed from results. Functions of other categories (like special requirements, obsolete, non-functional, and others) remain.
    Only Unsupported Supported and Obsolete functions are removed from results. Functions of other categories remain.
    Full Analysis All compliance categories are included in results.
  • Select platforms for the check - (This option is available only in the Profiler Options dialog.) Specifies platforms (Windows versions) against which the profiler checks the application for compliance.

See Also

Platform Compliance Profiler
Platform Compliance Settings Dialog
Setting Profiler Options Before the Run

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