Get Page Objects Report

Last modified on January 24, 2025

This endpoint returns the Page Objects report data for one, several or all monitors.

The time period for this report should be less than 1 hour due to excessive data load.


Request URL



Version 1

Required. The ID of the monitor you need to get a report for, or a comma-separated list of monitor IDs.


Required. A comma-separated list of location IDs.

rdate OR from+to

Required. The report period. You can specify either a relative or an exact time period:

  • rdate=LastOneHour – the last hour.

  • from and to – used to specify an exact period, up to 1 hour. The value format can be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS.


The sort order –asc (ascending) or desc (descending).


Required. The monitor step and step number in the format <step description>::SEQ::<step number>.

Version 2

Required. Must be 2.


The monitor’s identifier. If omitted, all applicable monitors or a comma-separated list of monitor IDs.


A dimensional filter for results, aggregated by the requested content. Possible values:

Value Description
device By monitor.
location By monitoring location.
month By month.
week By week (starts on Sunday).
bizweek By week (starts on Monday).
dayofweek By day of week.
day By date.
dayofmonth By day of month.
hour By hour of day.

Numeric values for days of the week. Can be a comma-separated list. Specify 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on.


The output format: XML (default) or JSON.


Numeric values for hours of the day. Can be a comma-separated list. Specify 0 for midnight.


The location ID. If omitted, all the locations or a comma-separated list of location IDs.

rdate OR start_date+end_date

Required. The report period. You can specify either a relative or an exact time period:

  • rdate=LastOneHour – the last hour.

  • start_date and end_date – used to specify an exact period, up to 1 hour. The value format can be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS.


Data filters. Specify err as the parameter value to show only errors, or ok to show only successful results.


The monitor step number.

Format: <step number>.


For API Version 1

This URL produces Page Objects data for the customer ID C99999, monitor ID 114349, location ID 63 (Austin), for the objects in the second monitor step Second Step for January 5, 2013 from 1:00 AM to 1:05 AM:

Note: %20 between Second and Step represents a URL-encoded space between the two words and is required.

For API Version 2

The following URL produces Page Objects data for the customer ID C99999, monitor ID 114349, location ID 63 (Austin), for the objects in the second monitor step for January 5, 2013 from 1:00 AM to 1:05 AM:

The following URL produces the same Page Objects data as mentioned above, but for all locations and steps:

See Also

Get Detail Report
Get Outage Report
Get Site Status Report
Get SLA Detail Report
Get Transaction Detail Report
Get Usage Report
AlertSite Report API

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