Get Detail Report

Last modified on January 24, 2025

The Get Detail Report operation returns detailed monitoring data for one, several or all monitors.

There are two versions of this report, XML (version 1) and JSON (version 2). The XML version returns data for one or several monitors. The JSON version can also return data for all monitors, and supports additional parameters to group and filter the report data.

XML version

Request URL




Required. Your customer ID, such as C12345. You can find it on the  > Settings > Account screen in AlertSite UXM or on the Account > Manage Account screen in AlertSite 1.0.


Required. The monitor ID or a comma-separated list of monitor IDs.


Required. The location ID or a comma-separated list of location IDs. See here for the IDs of public AlertSite locations.

rdate OR from+to

Required. Either a relative date range, such as Today, or an exact date range. The from and to values must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD+HH:MM:SS.


Filter the monitors and locations by the last observed status:

  • ok – Return only locations where the last test was OK (status 0).

  • err – Return only locations where the last test failed. Note that this includes “internal” errors 21, 90, 95, and 6061, which are not normally displayed on AlertSite dashboards.

  • If omitted or set to an empty string, all monitors and locations are included.


The sort order: asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

JSON version

Request URL


The api_version=2&format=json parameters are required for the JSON version of the Detail report.



Required. Your customer ID, such as C12345. You can find it on the  > Settings > Account screen in AlertSite UXM or on the Account > Manage Account screen in AlertSite 1.0.


Required and must have the value of 2.


Required and must have the value of json.


The monitor ID or a comma-separated list of monitor IDs. If omitted, all the monitors are included in the report.


The location ID or a comma-separated list of location IDs. If omitted, all the locations are included. See here for the IDs of public AlertSite locations.

rdate OR start_date+end_date

Required. Either a relative date range, such as Today, or an exact date range. The start_date and end_date values must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.


A dimensional filter for results, aggregated by what was requested. Possible values:

Value Description
device By monitor.
location By monitoring location.
month By month.
week By week (starts on Sunday).
bizweek By week (starts on Monday).
dayofweek By day of week.
day By date.
dayofmonth By day of month.
hour By hour of day.


The days of the week to include in the report: 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 6 = Saturday. Separate multiple values with commas. If omitted, all the days are included.


The hours of the day to include in the report: 0 = midnight to 1 AM, 1 = 1-2 AM, 23 = 11 PM to midnight. Separate multiple values with commas. If omitted, all the hours are included.


Specify 1 as the parameter value to exclude the control records that indicate the start of a scheduled set of tests. See below for details.

Default value: 0.


The number of results to return.


Filter the monitors and locations by the last observed status:

  • ok – Return only locations where the last test was OK (status 0).

  • err – Return only locations where the last test failed. Note that this includes “internal” errors 21, 90, 95, and 6061, which are not normally displayed on AlertSite dashboards.

  • If omitted or set to an empty string, all monitors and locations are included.

rdate values

Value Description
LastOneHour Last 1 hour.
LastTwoHours Last 2 hours.
LastFourHours Last 4 hours.
LastEightHours Last 8 hours.
LastTwelveHours Last 12 hours.
LastTwentyFourHours Last 24 hours.
LastFortyEightHours Last 48 hours.
Today Today.
Yesterday Yesterday.
LastTwoDays Last 2 days.
LastThreeDays Last 3 days.
LastSevenDays Last 7 days.
LastEightDays Last 8 days.
ThisWeek This week (beginning Sunday).
ThisMonth This month.
LastMonth Last month.
LastWeek Last week (beginning Sunday).
LastBizWeek Last business week.


XML version

Get the Detail report for the customer ID C99999, monitor ID 83931, from location ID 20 (Atlanta), for today:

Get the Detail report for the customer ID C99999, monitor ID 76981, from three locations – Atlanta (location ID 20), Boston (72) and Chicago (50), for January 20, 2013 through January 22, 2013:,72,50&from=2013-01-20+00:00:00&to=2013-01-22+23:59:59

JSON version

Get the Detail report for the customer ID C99999, monitor ID 83931, from location ID 20 (Atlanta), for today:

Get the Detail report for the customer ID C99999, monitor IDs 76981 and 94332, from all monitoring locations, for January 20, 2013 through January 22, 2013:,94332&start_date=2013-01-20+00:00:00&end_date=2013-01-22+23:59:59&api_version=2&format=json

Get the Detail report for the customer ID C99999, monitor ID 83931, from all monitoring locations, for today, grouped by locations and the hour of the day:,hour&api_version=2&format=json

Get the Detail report for the customer ID C99999, all monitors and locations, for the last hour:

Control records

If testing from multiple locations simultaneously, the test results that are part of the same set have the same value for ctl_devlog.

Additionally, the JSON version of the Detail report may include special control records that indicate the start of a scheduled set of tests. These records have the following lines: status_warning=9085 and http_status="Monitoring locations started", and are included for monitors that use any of the following:

  • Rotated locations

  • Round Robin monitoring mode

  • SLA (MultiPOP) monitoring mode

You can use the control records to present the data grouped by test sets, for example:

  • The test started at 10:00 AM (status_warning=9085, ctl_devlog=145-01)

    • Atlanta at 10:00 AM (ctl_devlog=145-01)

    • Boston at 10:00 AM (ctl_devlog=145-01)

  • The test started at 10:05 AM (status_warning=9085, ctl_devlog=145-02)

    • Fort Lauderdale at 10:05 AM (ctl_devlog=145-02)

    • Portland at 10:05 AM (ctl_devlog=145-02)

If you do not want to have control records in the response, add the ignore_ctl_recs=1 parameter to the API request.

See Also

AlertSite Report API
Get Page Objects Report
Get Outage Report
Get Site Status Report
Get SLA Detail Report
Get Transaction Detail Report
Get Usage Report

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