Default Project Properties - Object Mapping Options

Object Mapping allows you to specify the class TestComplete will assign to certain onscreen objects. The Object Mapping group of the default project properties include options that let you specify associations that will be used for new TestComplete projects. To view or change these default settings, select Tools | Default Project Properties from the main menu of TestComplete and then choose Project | Object Mapping from the tree displayed on the left side of the ensuing Default Project Properties dialog.

The Object Mapping Options dialog provides you with a list of onscreen objects grouped by classes that should be used for mapping test objects. You can edit this list by assigning class names to or removing them from a certain object type.

To add a new class name association, select the control’s type in the tree, click Add Class Name and enter the desired class name. You can also press the Add From Screen button and use the subsequent Add New Object Class dialog to choose the control whose class name you would like to map.

In class names, you can use wildcards (* and ?). To map the descendant classes of the specified class, enable the Derived Classes checkbox next to the control’s class name.

You can temporarily disable the entire object group or a specific class name association by clearing the checkbox on the left of the group node or class name. To permanently unmap the selected class name from the corresponding type, press Remove Class Name.

The values mentioned in these lists will be assigned to the Object Mapping settings of a new project when it is created. You can then modify these settings in the Properties page of your project editor (see Project Properties - Object Mapping Options).

TestComplete also uses the default Object Mapping properties to determine the object type and display object’s methods and properties in the Object Browser when there is no open project.

To save the changes you made to the options, press OK. Cancel will close the dialog discarding any changes.

See Also

Object Mapping
Default Project Properties - Project Options
Project Properties - Object Mapping Options

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