Ext JS Accordion Methods

Applies to TestComplete 14.71, last modified on April 22, 2021

When testing Ext JS Accordion controls, you can use specific methods of the corresponding test object, as well as methods that TestComplete applies to all test and onscreen objects. You can see these methods below. The methods are organized into the Standard, Extended and other categories. For more information about this, see Categories of Object Methods and Properties.

Method List   | View


This category includes methods that TestComplete applies to all test objects.

Name Description
Child Returns a child object by its index.
Enabled Specifies whether an object can accept user input or not.
Find Searches for a child object that has the specified property values.
FindAll Returns an array of child objects that have the specified property values.
FindAllChildren Returns an array of child objects that have the specified property values.
FindChild Searches for a child object that has the specified property values.
FindChildEx Searches for a child object that has the specified property values during the specified timeout period.
FindEx Searches for a child object that has the specified property values during the specified timeout period.
FindId Returns a child object by its identifier.
Height Specifies the height of the object in pixels.
Left Specifies the horizontal position of the object’s left edge relative its parent window.
Refresh Refreshes the child object list.
ScreenLeft Specifies the horizontal position of the object’s left edge in screen coordinates.
ScreenTop Specifies the vertical position of the object’s top edge in screen coordinates.
Top Specifies the vertical position of the object’s top edge relative to the object’s parent window.
Validate Obsolete. Generates the OnValidate event for the object.
Visible Specifies whether the object is visible to users.
VisibleOnScreen Specifies whether any part of the object is currently visible on screen.
WaitChild Waits until the specified child object becomes available during the timeout period.
WaitProperty Waits until the specified object property achieves the specified value during the timeout period.
Width Specifies the width of the object in pixels.

This category includes methods that simulate user actions on the tested controls.

Name Description
Close Closes the panel.
CloseItem Closes the specified item.
Collapse Collapses the panel.
CollapseItem Collapses the specified item.
Expand Expands or collapses the panel.
ExpandItem Expands or collapses the specified item.
<Name Mapping>

These methods are available only if the test object has been mapped (see Name Mapping). You can use them in your tests, but they are not displayed in the Object Browser panel.

Name Description
AddNamedChild Adds the specified child object to Name Mapping.
GetUnderlyingObject Returns the test object, to which the given mapping item corresponds.
RefreshMappingInfo Instructs TestComplete to re-identify the mapped object using the identification information specified in Name Mapping.
RemoveNamedChild Deletes the specified child mapped object from Name Mapping.
WaitAliasChild Waits until the child object with the specified alias becomes available during the timeout period.
WaitNamedChild Waits until a child object with the specified mapped name becomes available during the timeout period.
Other Categories

TestComplete provides access to internal properties and methods of tested web objects. You can view these properties and methods in the Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and other categories (which categories are available depends on the type of the web browser where your tested web application is running). The TestComplete help file does not include a description of these methods and properties. For information on them, please see the DOM model description and the HTML standards for the web browser you use.

See Also

Ext JS Accordion Support

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