Running Tests in CrossBrowserTesting Environments

Applies to TestComplete 14.60, last modified on April 22, 2021
This topic describes how you can connect to the service by using the CrossBrowserTesting manager. This method of integrating with is deprecated starting with TestComplete 14.40. We recommend using the Device Cloud add-on instead. See About Cross-Platform Web Tests for details.

This topic describes how you can run TestComplete web tests in the CrossBrowserTesting cloud.


1. Prepare TestComplete Tests for Running

  1. Open the project suite with your tests in TestComplete. Make sure your tests meet the requirements described in Preparing TestComplete Tests for Running in CrossBrowserTesting Environments. If needed, modify the tests.

  2. Before running the test in the cloud, verify that it runs successfully on your computer.

  3. Add the CrossBrowserTesting manager to your project suite. To do this, right-click your project suite node in the Project Explorer and then click Add > CrossBrowserTesting.

2. Add Tests to Environment Lists

  1. (Optional.) If you have several tests that you want to run in the same set of environments, create a group for those tests. This way, you will be able to assign all the needed environments to the tests at once.

    To create a group, click Add Group on the manager toolbar or right-click anywhere within the Test Assignment section of the manager, then click Add Group:

    TestComplete integration with CrossBrowserTesting: Creating environment lists

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Select the created group.

  2. You can add a test or a project test item to the CrossBrowserTesting manager. Click Add Test or Add Test Item on the manager toolbar, or right-click anywhere within the manager and then click Add Test or Add Test Item respectively.

    In the subsequent dialogs, select the tests or test items you want to run and click OK.

    Integration with Adding tests to environment lists and selecting tests in the Select Tests dialog

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    As an alternative, you can drag the needed test from the Project Explorer or Code Explorer to the CrossBrowserTesting manager:

    Integration with Dragging tests to environment lists

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    If you drag a script unit, all tests in that unit will be added.

    If you drag a project, all enabled top-level test items will be added.


    • You can add tests and test items from all projects of the current project suite.

    • You cannot add tests or test items to the current group if they are already added to it (in the appropriate dialogs, these tests and test items will be disabled).

    • You cannot add tests that take parameters to the CrossBrowserTesting manager directly. To run such tests in CrossBrowserTesting environments, you can create test items that will run the tests with the needed parameters and then add those test items to the manager. See Preparing TestComplete Tests That Take Parameters for Running in CrossBrowserTesting Environments.

  3. If needed, set a timeout for the test. To do this, select Set Timeout for Test from the context menu. In the resulting dialog, enter the needed timeout (in minutes):

    Integration with Settings timeout for a test

    Click the image to enlarge it.

3. Assign Environment to Tests

  1. Select the needed test, test item or a group of tests in the Test Assignment section of the manager.

  2. In the Environments section of the manager, specify the desired operating system, browser and screen resolutions and click Add:

    Integration with Creating environment lists

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. The manager will assign the specified environment to the selected test, test item or group.

4. Run Tests

After you finish configuring your environments and tests, run the tests:

  1. Make sure the environments where you want run tests are enabled (checked). TestComplete will not run tests in disabled environments.

    Make sure the tests you want to run are enabled (checked) as well. TestComplete will not run disabled tests or tests that belong to disabled groups.

  2. Click Run on the manager toolbar or right-click the CrossBrowserTesting item in the Project Explorer and then click Run CrossBrowserTesting Tests:

    Integration with Start running tests in CrossBrowserTesting environments

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. TestComplete will check if you specified the credentials for connecting to the CrossBrowserTesting cloud.

    If you have not provided any credentials, TestComplete will suggest that you provide your existing credentials or create a trial account.

    If TestComplete cannot use the credentials you have provided, it will suggest that you specify other credentials or get another subscription plan for your CrossBrowserTesting account.

  4. If your CrossBrowserTesting account is valid, TestComplete will launch all the specified environments in the CrossBrowserTesting cloud. Then, it will copy the entire project suite (including all external project items and third-party files added to the project suite) to each environment. It will also copy registered script extensions to environments.

  5. Then, TestComplete will run the selected tests in the environments. TestComplete runs tests in parallel, each in a separate environment.

    Note: The number of concurrent tests you can run in the CrossBrowserTesting cloud is set by your CrossBrowserTesting subscription. If the number of tests exceeds the limit, the redundant tests will wait until some of the test runs are over.
  6. You can monitor the testing progress in the CrossBrowserTesting manager. For example, Waiting means the test engine is waiting for a test machine to start in the cloud; Running means the test is simulating user actions:

    Integration with Monitoring the testing progress

    Click the image to enlarge it.

5. Viewing Results

After the test run is over, TestComplete will display the test results. You can view a detailed test log generated for each test in each environment:

Integration with Viewing results of tests run in CrossBrowserTesting environments

Click the image to enlarge it.

For more information, see Viewing Test Results (CrossBrowserTesting Logs).

Important Notes

  • By default, TestComplete uses a 15-minute timeout for individual tests. If a test runs for a longer time, it will be terminated automatically. If needed, you can increase the timeout for an individual test up to 60 minutes.

    The timeout includes the startup time of the cloud test machines. So, we do not recommend running one long test. Plan your test operations and, if needed, reorganize them into several shorter tests.

  • The test machines on the CrossBrowserTesting side use preinstalled TestExecute instances to simulate user actions.

  • To automate TestComplete test runs, you can use TestExecute. However, it will not work for CrossBrowserTesting tests, because you can start these tests from TestComplete only.

  • On the cloud test machines, the tests run under a user account (not under the Administrator account).

  • The number of concurrent tests you can run in CrossBrowserTesting environments is specified by your CrossBrowserTesting subscription plan. If the number of tests you are going to run exceeds the maximum number, TestComplete will run the exceeding tests after the earlier tests are finished. If you use the same CrossBrowserTesting account to run tests in several TestComplete instances working on different computers, then the number of available concurrent tests is shared among all these computers.

    You can view the number of concurrent tests you can run on the Account Details form in TestComplete. If you are logged in, click Account Details on the CrossBrowserTesting toolbar and TestComplete will show information on your account.

    Find more information on CrossBrowserTesting subscriptions on the CrossBrowserTesting web site.

See Also

Integration With
Viewing Test Results (CrossBrowserTesting Logs)
CrossBrowserTesting Log Panel
Automating CrossBrowserTesting Runs

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