CrossBrowserTesting Log Panel

Applies to TestComplete 14.60, last modified on April 22, 2021
This test log panel is available when you run tests by using the CrossBrowserTesting manager. The manager only allows running tests in Windows-based environments and only in web browsers that TestComplete supports. This approach to running tests in environments is obsolete starting with TestComplete 14.40. We recommend using the Device Cloud add-on instead. See About Cross-Platform Web Tests for details.

After the test you run in CrossBrowserTesting environments are over, TestComplete displays the test results:

Integration with CrossBrowserTesting results

Click the image to enlarge it.

The test log includes a brief test run summary and detailed results of each test in each environment.

Summary Panel

The Summary panel displays:

  • Brief information on the test run: the test start time, the end time and test duration, the total number of run tests, the number of failed tests, passed tests and tests that passed with warnings.

  • A list of the operating systems, browsers and screen resolutions with the results of test runs for each of them.

  • A chart that visually represents the number of run tests, passed tests, failed tests and tests passed with warnings.

You can click View detailed results to open the CrossBrowserTesting Log panel to view the results of each test run in each environment. See below.

CrossBrowserTesting Log Panel

The panel lists the tests that ran in each CrossBrowserTesting environment. For each test, it shows the following information:

Column Description
Status The status of the test
  • Passed - Indicates that the test passed successfully, without errors or warnings.

  • Warning - Indicates that the test passed, but the test log contains warnings.

  • Error - Indicates that the test failed.

Message Describes the test run result. If the test failed, it contains a brief description of the error.
Detailed Log TestComplete automatically downloads the test log from CrossBrowserTesting environments after the test run is over and stores the results on your local computer in the project suite folder. The column contains a link to the downloaded test log. Click the link to view the log contents.

The way TestComplete displays the log contents depends on the test type. See Test Log.

Video CrossBrowserTesting can record a video during the test run. After the test run is over, TestComplete posts the link to the video to the test log.

Click the link to view the video.

Note: The video is limited to 10 minutes. If your test runs longer, only the first 10 minutes of the test run will be available in the video.
Environment The name of the list, to which the environment belongs.
OS The operating system running in the environment.
Browser The web browser running in the environment.
Resolution The screen resolution used in the environment.
Time The test duration.
Live Test Click the link to start a live test in the CrossBrowserTesting cloud and manually check how your web application is functioning. A click on the link will open the CrossBrowserTesting web site with the pre-selected browser, operating system and screen resolutions for the run. Check your web application's URL and start testing manually.

You can group the panel contents by one or several columns. To do this, drag the column header to the grouping area. See Grouping.

Extended Information Panel

The panel shows additional information on the events that occurred in the selected environment during the test run (for example, errors).

See Also

Test Log
Integration With

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