Debugging lets you fix logical errors and check whether your tests run correctly. TestComplete includes two types of debuggers: script debugger and debugger of keyword tests (or keyword test debugger). These debuggers include all modern debugging features: breakpoints, tracing into routines or tests and stepping over them, the call stack, watch list, expression evaluation, and so forth. Though the functionality of these debuggers differs a little (for instance, the way you set breakpoints in script code differs from the way you do this in keyword tests), the debuggers are very similar. They have the same methodology of use and share the same panels, dialogs and menu items. Moreover, the script and keyword test debuggers are tightly integrated. For example, if you debug a keyword test, and it executes an operation that runs script code, the keyword test debugger will automatically activate the script debugger, so you will continue with debugging of script code. Similarly, if you trace the execution of a script routine, and it performs a method call that runs a keyword test, the script debugger will automatically launch the keyword test debugger, so you will continue with debugging the keyword test.
The following topics provide more information on debugging in TestComplete:
Provides information on how to use the script and keyword test debuggers and about the software required for debugging.
Describes specifics of debugging script code and keyword tests with TestComplete and describes problems that may occur during the debugging.
Explains how to activate the step-by-step execution mode from the script or keyword test.
Describes how to evaluate expressions during debugging.
Describes how to format expressions in the
Evaluate dialog that is used to evaluate code expressions and variable values during debugging.
Explains how to change the values of script and keyword test variables during debugging.
Running Tests
Describes how to stop the script or keyword test execution on the current script line or keyword test operation.
Describes how to step over or trace into a script routine or keyword test during the debugging process.
Describes how you can change the current line or keyword test operation and specify the next line or operation for execution.
Explains how you can create and use breakpoints and how to modify their properties.
Describes conditional breakpoints and how you can use them.
Describes how to specify conditional expressions for breakpoints.
Describes how to specify the Pass Count attribute of breakpoints and how this attribute is used.
Describes the Breakpoints panel that is used to view and manage breakpoints that are set in script units and keyword tests.
Debugger Panels
Provides information on viewing the stack of function calls (or the sequence of keyword tests) during the test execution.
Describes the Locals panel that displays values of available script variables.
Provides information on the Watch List panel and describes how you can use it to watch values of variables and expressions.
Related Topics of Interest
Provides information on TestComplete options that are used when debugging.
Describes how to handle exceptions that occur in scripts and in the application under test.
Describes how to collect call stack data for messages posted to the test log. The call stack information may help you better understand what happened in your test during the run.
See Also
Script Tests
Keyword Tests