Message - Verification failed. Problems With Running Projects

Applies to TestComplete 15.63, last modified on April 23, 2024
The Network Suite functionality is deprecated. We don’t recommend using it for distributed testing. Consider using a CI/CD system for managing distributed tests. See Migrating Distributed Tests to CI/CD Systems for details. In case you need to run web tests on multiple environments in parallel, you can also try using your project’s Execution Plan.

TestComplete displays the “Verification failed” error message to inform you that the verification of a network suite, job or task failed.

This can happen if your slave projects cannot be opened or run on remote computers.

Note: For information on other possible problems that can cause verification failure and on how to solve them, see Message - Verification failed.

In order for verification to pass successfully and the test engine to be able to execute a network suite, job or task, a number of possible problems with slave projects should be solved:

  • Make sure that the host where the network suite task should be run is specified in the Tasks editor.

  • Make sure that the slave project specified by the task’s Path property resides either on the appropriate remote computer or in a shared network folder. If the slave project is on the master computer, you need to copy it to the remote computer or share the folder that contains it. For more information, see Distributed Testing - Requirements.

  • Make sure that the path to the slave project is specified correctly. If the slave project resides on a remote computer, its path must be specified in terms of that computer, for example, C:\DistributedTest\Slave.mds.

  • Check whether the slave project is available to the user that is logged in on the remote computer. The user may not have the correct permissions to view the project file.

  • Make sure that all the slave projects that take part in distributed testing contain the Network Suite project item. If the projects do not contain this item, they cannot be run.

    Note: If you specify the project suite to be run on the slave computer, all its projects must contain the Network Suite project item.
  • Make sure the test specified by the task’s Test property exists.

    Note: An empty value for this property means that TestComplete executes the test that corresponds to the whole slave project suite.

See Also

Message - Verification failed.
Distributed Testing
Message - Verification failed. Problems With Computers or Firewalls.
Message - Verification failed. Problems With Launching TestComplete or TestExecute.
Message - Verification failed. Problems With User Accounts.
Message - Verification failed. Problems With Product Versions
Verifying Tasks, Jobs, Hosts and Network Suites
Distributed Testing - Requirements

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