The WebTesting collection of the Stores project item contains elements that are used to perform verification and comparison operations over web pages that are typically executed when performing functional testing of web pages.

The collection can include elements of the following two types:
Web Accessibility elements - They are used to create web accessibility checkpoints for web pages. To view and configure these elements, use the Web Accessibility Element editor.
Web Comparison elements - They are used to create web comparison checkpoints. To view and configure these elements, use the Web Comparison Element editor.
For more information on using these elements, see About Web Accessibility Checkpoints, About Web Comparison Checkpoints and Classic Web Testing.
The WebTesting collection is available only if you have a license for the TestComplete Web module.
To work with the collection’s elements from tests, use the WebTesting
, WebComparison
and WebAccessibility
See Also
About Web Accessibility Checkpoints
About Web Comparison Checkpoints