Test Engine Toolbar

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025

The Test Engine toolbar contains the following buttons that affect test recording and debugging:

Item Description
Record To select the desired recording type, press the button's down arrow. To learn more about recording tests and scripts, see Recording Automated Tests.
 Record Keyword Test
Starts recording a keyword test.
 Record Script
Starts script recording.
Note: If there is no project opened in TestComplete, shows the Record Test wizard that helps you create a project, to which your test will be added, and then starts the recording. Otherwise, it starts recording immediately.
Run To select an item to run, press the button's down arrow.
 Run Project Suite
Runs the current project suite. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+Alt+F5 shortcut.
 Run Project
Runs the current project. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+F5 shortcut
 Repeat Last Run
Relaunches the latest routine, project, project suite or test item run
 Stop Stops recording. Alternatively, use the Shift+F5 shortcut.
 Enable Debugging Enables the debugging functionality. If this item is unchecked, the debugging functionality is disabled.
Show Mobile Screen Displays the Mobile Screen window which is used to test mobile applications.
Create a Load Test From TestComplete Test Note: By default, this item is hidden from TestComplete. To make it visible, right-click anywhere in the toolbar area and then click Customize. In the resulting dialog, switch to the Commands tab, select Load Testing on the left and drag the Create Load Test command from the right of the dialog to a toolbar.
Opens the Create Load Test dialog that you can use to convert your tests into load tests. See Integration With LoadComplete - Creating Load Tests.

See Also

TestComplete Toolbars
Recording Automated Tests

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