Windows Monitor

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

You use Windows monitors to check metrics of your Windows-based servers.


  • ReadyAPI must run on a Windows machine. Windows, IIS and MSSQL monitors are not available on Linux and macOS machines.

  • The Remote Registry service must be enabled on the server.

  • Ports 139 and 445 must be open on the server, the computer with ReadyAPI Performance and any proxy between them.

  • The user account must have Performance Monitor or Administrator permissions on the server.

For detailed information, see Preparing Servers for Monitoring.


When you specify the host for a Windows monitor, you need to use the server’s host name instead of the IP address.

Monitor Settings

The monitor does not have settings.

Frequently Used Metrics

Windows server monitors return information about hardware usage of your server. This helps you find out how close to the hardware limit your test has come. ReadyAPI displays the following statistics in charts by default:

  • Memory – Available MBytes – Measures how much RAM is available for usage in megabytes. The minimum value varies depending on your server, but, generally, you should have more than 15-20% of server RAM available in case of a spike in a load. If your server runs out of RAM, it starts using the hard drive to store information. Since hard drive access is slower than RAM access, this may cause performance bottlenecks.

  • Processor – % Processor Time – Total – Measures the usage of your server CPU. Steady 80% or more CPU usage during soak or peak tests may be the reason to upgrade the server.

Here are some other frequently used metrics:

  • Paging File – % Usage – Total – The paging file is created when your server has insufficient RAM to handle all requests. The smaller the file is, the better. If the paging file exists for a long time, consider adding more RAM.

  • Logical Disk – Free Megabytes – YourDiskName – Measures how much free space is left on the hard drive. The storage space of the server depends heavily on its role. For example, if your server just handles requests to the web site, you will not need much free space. But, if users can upload files, you will need a lot of space in case of a sudden spike in the number of users. The safe practice is having over 15% of free space on the logical disk used for your server, and having a separate logical disk for user files.

Other Metrics

ReadyAPI can access a subset of counters provided by Windows Performance Monitor. These counters may vary on different Windows computers. Below is a typical example of metrics that you get in ReadyAPI.

You can click the category to see the description of metrics in MSDN.
Category Description Metrics

Logical Disk

Provides information about logical disk usage.

% Disk Read Time

% Disk Time

% Disk Write Time

% Free Space

% Idle Time

Avg. Disk Bytes/read

Avg. Disk Bytes/transfer

Avg. Disk Bytes/write

Avg. Disk Queue Length

Avg. Disk Sec/read

Avg. Disk Sec/transfer

Avg. Disk Sec/write

Avg. Disk Write Queue Length

Current Disk Queue Length

Disk Bytes/sec

Disk Read Bytes/sec

Disk Reads/sec

Disk Transfers/sec

Disk Write Bytes/sec

Disk Writes/sec

Free Megabytes

Split IO/sec

Physical Disk

Provides information about logical or physical disk usage.

Avg. Disk Bytes/read

Avg. Disk Bytes/transfer

Avg. Disk Bytes/write

Avg. Disk Queue Length

Avg. Disk Sec/read

Avg. Disk Sec/transfer

Avg. Disk Sec/write

Avg. Disk Write Queue Length

Current Disk Queue Length

Disk Bytes/sec

Disk Read Bytes/sec

Disk Reads/sec

Disk Transfers/sec

Disk Write Bytes/sec

Disk Writes/sec

Free Megabytes

Split IO/sec


Provides information about memory usage.

% Committed Bytes in Use

Available Bytes

Available KBytes

Available MBytes

Cache Bytes

Cache Bytes Peak

Cache Faults/sec

Commit Limit

Committed Bytes

Demand Zero Faults/sec

Free & Zero Page List Bytes

Free System Page Table Entries

Modified Page List Bytes

Page Faults/sec

Page Reads/sec

Page Writes/sec

Pages Input/sec

Pages Output/sec


Pool Nonpages Allocs

Pool Nonpaged Bytes

Pool Pages Allocs

Pool Paged Bytes

Pool Paged Resident Bytes

Standby Cache Core Bytes

Standby Cache Normal Priority Bytes

Standby Cache Reserve Bytes

System Cache Resident Bytes

System Code Resident Bytes

System Code Total Bytes

System Driver Resident Bytes

System Driver Total Bytes

Transition Faults/sec

Transition Pages Repurposed/sec

Write Copies/sec

Network Interface

Provides information about network usage.

Bytes Received/sec

Bytes Sent/sec

Bytes Total/sec

Current Bandwidth

Offloaded Connections

Output Queue Length

Packets Outbound Discarded

Packets Outbound Errors

Packets Received Discarded

Packets Received Errors

Packets Received Non-unicast/sec

Packets Received Unicast/sec

Packets Received Unknown

Packets Received/sec

Packets Sent Non-unicast/sec

Packets Sent Unicast/sec

Packets Sent/sec


Paging File

% Usage

% Usage Peak


Provides information about processor usage.

% C1 Time

% C2 Time

% C3 Time

% DPC Time

% Idle Time

% Interrupt Time

% Processor Time

% User Time

C1 Transitions/sec

C2 Transitions/sec

C3 Transitions/sec

DPC Rate

DPCs Queued/sec



Provides information about the metrics that apply to more than one component of the computer.

% Registry Quota in use

Alignment Fixups/sec

Context Switches/sec

Exception Dispatches/sec

File Control Bytes/sec

File Control Operations/sec

File Data Operations/sec

File Read Bytes/sec

File Read Operations/sec

File Write Bytes/sec

File Write Operations/sec

Floating Emulations/sec


Processor Queue Length

System Calls/sec

System Up Time


See Also

Preparing Servers for Monitoring
Server Inspector
Load Testing Templates

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