Migrating From SoapUI Load Tests

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 04, 2025

Load testing in ReadyAPI is based on the LoadUI engine of earlier ReadyAPI versions which, in their turn, were based on the open source version of SoapUI. You can convert your load projects to the new format and run your load tests in ReadyAPI. This topic describes the difference between two products.

Converting LoadUI Projects

When you open a LoadUI project in ReadyAPI, the latter automatically converts it to a new format.

You will see the project and its tests in the workspace Navigator panel when the conversion is over.

Although the load testing engine of ReadyAPI is based on the LoadUI engine, some LoadUI features are not supported in ReadyAPI at the moment and not converted. See below for details.

Finding Features in ReadyAPI

Unlike LoadUI, some ReadyAPI features are located in different places.

Load Strategy –> Load Profile and Load Type

LoadUI has load strategies that are based on threads. The ReadyAPI load test engine provides more flexible load simulation. It replaces strategies with load profiles of two types: VUs and Rate (see Load Types).

ReadyAPI converts the load strategies in a LoadUI project to the following load profiles:

Strategy Load Profile (Load Type)
Simple Fixed (VU Type)
Fixed Rate Fixed (Rate Type)
Burst Burst (VU Type)
Variance Variance (VU Type)
ThreadCount Ramp Sequence (VU Type)
Grid Custom (VU Type)
Currently, ReadyAPI has no matching profile for the LoadUI Script strategy. ReadyAPI does not convert tests that use this strategy. When you select such a test in ReadyAPI, you will see a message warning you about the problem. After you save the converted project, these tests will use the Fixed (Rate) profile.

Base Test Case

In LoadUI, load tests were part of a test case and could work only with it. In ReadyAPI, load tests are created on the basis of any functional test case. You can easily change the test case in the new load test editor.


ReadyAPI includes an extended list of available assertions. You specify them in the new load test editor.

Assertions in LoadUI projects are converted to assertions of a new type:

LoadUI Assertion ReadyAPI Assertion
Max Errors Total metric for Failures Statistics.
Test Step Max Max metric for Time Taken Statistics.
Test Step Average Average metric for Time Taken Statistics.
Test Step TPS TPS metric for Throughput Statistics.
Test Step Status Total metric for Failures Statistics.
When converting LoadUI assertions that apply to any test step, ReadyAPI creates assertions for each test step.

Setup and TearDown Scripts

The Setup and TearDown scripts are imported into ReadyAPI projects without any changes, but are only available if you have the ReadyAPI Performance license.

The LoadTestRunner object was replaced by the TestRunner object. You will need to update your tests to use the new object.

Load Test Settings

In LoadUI, load test settings were organized into the Settings and Statistic Log tabs:

  • The settings on the Settings tab control the LoadUI engine. ReadyAPI ignores them when converting the project.

  • The settings on the Statistic Log tab let you specify the file name to which LoadUI exported test results. The exporting functionality has been re-worked and these settings have become obsolete.

Converting Report Settings

The ReadyAPI new reporting engine is not compatible with LoadUI reports. So, neither of your report-related scripts and settings will be converted.

New ReadyAPI Performance Features

The ReadyAPI Performance license provides a number of new features that you can use to improve your tests:

In Case You Need Assistance

If you experience issues when converting your LoadUI project, or failed to find the needed functionality, please contact our Support Team. We will be glad to help you.

See Also

Migrating From SoapUI Load Tests
Load Type
About Load Profiles
About Assertions
Groovy Test Step
Test Results

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