ReadyAPI Performance Licenses

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.56, last modified on November 25, 2024

Load testing is available to all users of the product.

The Base load testing functionality is available for free to any user who has any ReadyAPI license (for instance, base load testing features are available for the ReadyAPI Test users).

ReadyAPI Performance licenses allow you to take advantage of all the load testing features of ReadyAPI.

For information on differences between the licenses, see the Differences Between Base and ReadyAPI Performance Licenses section.

Licensing Virtual Users

Each ReadyAPI Performance license determines the maximum number of simultaneous virtual users (VUs) that your load tests can simulate:

License VUs
Base 10
Pro Trial 25
Pro commercial licenses 100 (for the bundle license), 250, 1000 and more

Note: This depends on the license. See license offerings on the SmartBear web site.

If you add to your test more concurrent virtual users than your license supports, ReadyAPI puts the “extra” virtual users in a queue and simulates them only if the license allows. If you experience this behavior, consider upgrading your license to another one that supports a greater number of simultaneous virtual users.

Difference Between Base and ReadyAPI Performance Licenses

The options available for Base and ReadyAPI Performance license users differ. The table below lists these differences:

Option Base ReadyAPI Performance
Simultaneous VUs Only 10 100 and more (depends on the license)
Simultaneous scenarios Available Available
Assertions Only the following metrics:
  • Test Scenario: Failures – Total

  • Test Target: Throughput – TPS

  • Test Target: Time Taken – Max

  • Test Target: Time Taken – Median

  • Test Step: Failed – Total

  • Test Step: TimeTaken – Max

  • Test Step: TimeTaken – Median

  • Test Step: Transactions – Total

Simulated load profiles All, except for Ramp Sequence and Random All
Server monitoring Absent Available
Statistics page Absent Available
Exporting test results Absent Available
Distributed tests Absent Available

Limitations of ReadyAPI Performance Trial License

ReadyAPI Performance Trial license includes all features of Pro licenses.

  • A load test can run for 5 minutes maximum.

  • A load test is limited to 25 simulated VUs.

  • You can only export up to 20% of gathered statistics.

See Also

ReadyAPI Licensing
License Types

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