Features Added to Ready! API 1.4

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 04, 2025

This topic describes the changes made to Ready! API 1.4.

Ready! API Platform


  • The project, TestSuite and TestCase editors have the History and Compare pages, where you can view a list of your test runs and compare results of a run with baseline values.

    The History and Compare pages
  • Property expansion is project-wide now. Your TestSteps can use properties of other TestCases and test suites that belong to your project.

  • HTTP requests have settings to support OAuth 2.0 authentication.

  • The Schema Compliance assertion can be used for testing JSON and other requests defined in WADL.

  • You can use a new JMS TestStep to simulate JMS requests from your tests.

  • Improvement in the DataSource TestStep that uses the Grid type: you can easily include rows to or exclude them from your tests by using the check boxes:

    DataSource TestStep: Check boxes
  • Now it is possible to export WADL definitions of your REST services to a file. To do this, simply right-click your REST service in the Navigator and select Export WADL from the context menu.

  • Ready! API installation package includes that most recent version of the WS-I test tools. The preferences that concern WS-I have been updated appropriately.

  • More improvements:

    • Ready! API includes a new APIs panel that lists API definitions available in your project. You can drag-and-drop requests from this new panel to your TestCases.

    • Now it is possible to copy the host and port values from the Discovery window when you are using discovery in Proxy mode.

    • The Project Name, Project Test Name, Project Routine Name and other properties of a TestComplete TestStep have dropdown lists, from which you can choose the needed values. Earlier, you had to type the names.

    • Now you can copy, move and delete multiple project items in the Navigator tree.

    • Also, you can select and enable or disable multiple TestSteps in the Navigator.

    • The Navigator context menu has new Expand All and Collapse All items.

    • A number of bugs have been fixed.


  • Now specify the load percent and share the load to be simulated between scenarios:

    Load Testing: Percentage
  • Using a new Load Allocation setting you can easily choose the load simulation mode that better suites your needs:

    Load Testing: Load Allocation setting
  • New built-in scheduler helps you start scenario simulation at the very moment you need:

    Load Testing: Scheduler
  • New abilities for controlling TestCase execution in a load test:

    • Now you can use multiple targets in a scenario and change their execution order, and

    • Run one or multiple targets in a loop.

  • Now you can run load tests for just one HTTP or REST request (without using an existing TestCase). See About Targets.

  • New Random load generation profile helps you make your tests even more powerful.

  • The LoadUITestRunner has command-line arguments for specifying system and global properties and environment for the run.

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.


  • A new JSON Boundary Scan for checking string, integer, double and date values in JSON responses.

ReadyAPI Virtualization

  • Now Virts can route requests to real web service APIs.

  • The responses from real APIs can be saved and used as Virt responses.

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.


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