Structure of Exported XML Files

Applies to LoadComplete 4.97, last modified on May 20, 2019

When exporting results from the test log’s Details panel to an XML file, you can choose either the plain XML or the XML tree format (see the difference between them). The structure of the exported request results stored in a .xml file depends on the format used.

Plain XML



  • LoadCompleteResults - The root element. To differentiate the plain XML format from the XML tree format, use the version attribute. For the plain XML tree format, the version attribute is 1.0 or is omitted.

  • RequestName - The root element contains one or more RequestName elements that correspond to the simulated requests.

  • Each RequestName element contains child elements that store information on the request. For information on child elements and data they contain, see Data Description.

XML Tree



  • LoadCompleteResults - The root element. To differentiate the XML tree format from the plain XML format, use the version attribute. For the XML tree format, the version attribute is 2.0.

  • Test - The root element contains a Test element that describes a load test.

  • Stations - The Test element contains the Stations element that contains one or more Station elements. Every Station element corresponds to a load station where test was running.

  • Groups - Each Station element has the Groups element that contains one or more Group elements. Every Group element corresponds to a group of virtual users with the same settings simulated on the corresponding load station.

  • User - Each Group element contains one or more User elements. Every User element corresponds to a particular virtual user simulated on that load station.

  • Iterations - Each User element has the Iterations element that contains one or more Scenario elements.

  • Scenario - Corresponds to a simulated scenario.

  • Page - Corresponds to a Page operation in a scenario. Can include the Items element that describes child operations of the Page operation.

  • Connection - Describes a Connection that belongs to a page in a scenario. Can include the Items element that describes the child operations of the Connection operation.

  • HTTPRequest - Corresponds to the simulated HTTP request.

  • WebSocket - Corresponds to an HTTP request that establishes a WebSocket connection.

  • ClientMessage - Corresponds to a simulated WebSocket client message.

  • ServerMessage - Corresponds to a received WebSocket Server message.

  • Group, While, Loop, IF, Then, Else, SetVariableValue - Correspond to appropriate operations in a scenario. Can have the Items element.

  • Item - Corresponds to an error or warning message that an operation posts to the test log.

  • Items - Each Scenario, Page, Connection or other element that corresponds to a grouping operation in the scenario can have the Items element. The Items element contains one or more elements that describe operations that belong to that operation.

  • Besides that, each Station, Group, User, Iteration, Scenario, Page, HTTPRequest, ClientMessage, ServerMessage, and WebSocket element has a number child elements that contain additional information about the element: its identifier, name, the time when its simulation started and finished, and so on. For information on them, see Data Description.

See Also

Data Description
Structure of Exported Results
Exporting Request Results to an XML File

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