In the Scenario editor, you can view, create, and edit user scenarios. This topic describes the editing operations that you can perform in this editor.
Enabling and disabling operations
Expanding and collapsing operation nodes
Renaming requests, connections, and pages
Copying and pasting operations
Correlating dynamic parameters
Setting think time for an operation
Clearing think time for an operation and child operations
Setting SLA criteria for operations
Enabling and disabling operations
To disable an operation:
Select the needed operation in the Scenario Explorer. Use CRTL+click and SHIFT+click for multi-selection.
Right-click the operation and then clear the Enable check box in the context menu.
– or –
Right-click the operations and then click Disable Selected.
LoadComplete will gray out the disabled operations in the Scenario editor. It will not simulate those operations during the test run. If the disabled operation has child operations, LoadComplete will not simulate them either.
If you disable a WebSocket server message, LoadComplete will not track it during the test run.
To enable an operation:
Select a disabled operation in the Scenario Explorer. Use CTRL+click and SHIFT+click for multi-selection.
Right-click the operation and then select the Enabled check box in the context menu.
– or –
Right-click the operations and then click Enable Selected.
Enable synchronous WebSocket server messages in the scenario to instruct LoadComplete to track them during the test run.
To toggle the operation state:
Select needed operations in the Scenario Explorer. Use CTRL+click and SHIFT+click for multi-selection.
Right-click the operations and then click Toggle Selected.
LoadComplete will disable enabled operations and enable disabled operations.
Expanding and collapsing operation nodes
To expand all nodes in the scenario tree, click Expand All on the editor’s toolbar.
To collapse all nodes in the scenario tree, click Collapse All on the editor’s toolbar.
Removing operations
Right-click the operation and then click Delete.
LoadComplete will delete the operation and all child operations that belong to that operation.
Note: | You cannot delete the top-level Scenario node. |
Renaming requests, connections, and pages
Select a request, connection, or page that you want to rename in the scenario.
Right-click the item and then click Rename.
– or –
Press F2.
– or –
Click the item twice (not a double click).
Enter a new name for the request, connection, or page and press Enter to confirm the changes.
Changing operation order
Drag the operation to the needed place in the scenario tree.
Copying and pasting operations
To copy operations in the scenario:
Select an operation in the Scenario Explorer (use Ctrl+click and Shift+click for multi-selection).
Right-click the selected operations and then click Copy.
To paste operations from the clipboard to the scenario:
Select an operation that will be a parent of the operations you want to paste:
Requests must belong to Connection operations.
Connections must belong to Page operations.
Pages must belong to the top-level Scenario node.
Operations that control the traffic flow can reside on any level of the scenario hierarchy.
Right-click the parent operation and then click Paste.
If the selected operation cannot be a parent for the operations in the clipboard, the Paste command will not be available. -
LoadComplete will paste the operations from the clipboard and will make them child operations of the selected operation.
Editing operation properties
Select the needed operation in the Scenario Explorer.
Switch to the Operation Editor panel of the scenario editor.
Edit the operation properties. To learn about properties that operations in scenarios can have, see Operation Reference.
Correlating dynamic parameters
To find relations between requests and responses in the scenario and correlate them, click on the Scenario editor toolbar. LoadComplete will open the Correlate Requests and Response Parameters wizard that will guide you through automatic correlation of dynamic parameters in your scenario.
Filtering requests
To group requests in the scenario:
Pages on the editor’s toolbar to group requests by pages to which the requests belong.
Connections on the editor’s toolbar to group requests by connections through which they were sent.
Shows Other Requests to view requests to additional page resources (images, CSS files, scripts, and so on).
To view requests in the order they will be sent during the scenario simulation, disable grouping by pages and connections in the editor.
To learn how to add custom groups or pages to your scenarios, see Controlling Traffic Flow.
Creating custom pages
You can add custom pages to your scenario to group requests. To learn how to do this, see Recording Custom Pages.
Quick search for operations
In the Quick Search edit box of the Scenario Explorer, start typing the needed text.
LoadComplete will filter out the scenario and show only the operations that have the sought-for text in their name or contents.
Erase the text or click
to clear the filtering.
Checking authentication data
If your scenario has requests to web servers that require authentication, you can check authentication data for these web servers:
Select the top-level Scenario node in your scenario.
Switch to the Summary page and check it for errors.
If your scenario contains requests for a server that requires authentication and no authentication data is specified for it in the project, the Summary page will report the "Failed to find credentials for Server_Name" error.
Note: | LoadComplete only checks whether the project contains authentication data, it does not check whether the data is correct. |
Setting think time for an operation
Select the needed operation in the Scenario Explorer.
The Operation Editor panel in the right part of the editor will show the operation properties.
In the Think Time spin box on the panel toolbar, set the needed think time.
Save the changes.
You can set the zero think time for requests, connections, and pages to simulate the maximum (which is not realistic) load on the target server.
You can also edit a think time for requests and connections on the Timeline page of the Connection or Page operation.
Clearing think time for an operation and child operations
Right-click the needed operation (for example, Page or Connection) in the Scenario Explorer, and then click Clear think time.
LoadComplete will ask for your permission to zero the think time for the selected operation and all its child operations. Approve the change.
Save the changes.
Setting SLA criteria for operations
Note: SLA criteria are not available for the Break, Delay, Set Variable Value, Stop, and Custom Message operations.
Select the needed operation in the Scenario Explorer.
The Operation Editor panel in the right part of the editor will show the operation properties.
In the SLA spin box on the panel toolbar, set the needed SLA criterion, in milliseconds:
For HTTP requests, it is the maximum acceptable time to first byte.
For pages, it is the maximum acceptable page load time.
For other operations, it is the maximum acceptable duration.
Save the changes.
Note: If SLA criteria are specified in your load test, the SLA criteria you specify in a scenario will override the test criteria.
Saving requests and responses to external files
To save an HTTP request to an external file:
Right-click the request you want to save and then click Save Request Body.
– or –
Save Data to a File on the Request Body tab’s toolbar.
To save a WebSocket client message to an external file:
Save Data to a File on the Message Contents tab’s toolbar.
To save an HTTP response to an external file:
Right-click the request whose response you want to save and then click Save Response Body.
– or –
Save Data to a File on the Response Body tab’s toolbar.
To save a WebSocket server message to an external file:
Save Data to a File on the Message Contents tab’s toolbar.
Undoing and redoing changes
To undo the last change you made to your scenario, click Undo on the Scenario editor’s toolbar.
To revert the undone change, click Redo on the editor’s toolbar.
Saving changes
To save changes you have made to request properties, select File | Save from the LoadComplete main menu.
To close the scenario editor without saving any changes, close the editor tab and answer “No” when asked whether to save the changes.