Sequence Diagram Link Profiler

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Sequence Diagram Link profiler analyzes the sequence of function calls in your application and then builds a UML-style diagram of function calls in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Visio. The topics of this section provide information on the profiler.

General Information

Sequence Diagram Link Profiler - Overview

Describes how the profiling algorithm works and how to use the profiler to get a diagram of function calls in your application.

Sequence Diagram Link Profiler Options

Describes the profiler’s options and how they affect the profiler’s functionality.

Related Topics of Interest

Know the Structure of Potential Interlinks Between Classes

Describes how to learn the structure of links between classes in your application.

Know the Structure of Potential Routine Calls

Describes how to learn the structure of actual and potential routine calls in your application.

See Also

AQTime Profilers

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