Platform Compliance Profiler Results - Database Structure

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

Results generated by the Platform Compliance profiler are stored in a number of tables in the specified database. The contents of most of these tables correspond to the contents of AQTime panels in which profiling results are stored. This topic describes the structure of the database that stores exported Platform Compliance profiler results.

The database consists of the following tables:

The relations between the above-mentioned tables are illustrated in the image below.

Relations Between Database Tables


This table contains a list of exported result sets. Each result set is identified by the INST_ID value.

Table Field Name Description
CAPTION String. The caption of the exported result set.
INST_ID Integer. The identifier of a specific exported result set.


This table stores verification results of DLL calls. Each row of this table corresponds to a single call. The data stored in this table corresponds to the data displayed in the Report panel (see Platform Compliance Profiler - Report Panel).

Table Field Name Description
COL_API_NAME String. Corresponds to the API Name column of the Report panel.
COL_COMPLIANCE String. Corresponds to the Compliance column of the Report panel.
COL_IMPORTED_BY_NAME Integer. Corresponds to the Imported By Name column of the Report panel.

The possible values are: 0 (unchecked) and -1 (checked).

COL_IMPORTED_FROM String. Corresponds to the Imported From column of the Report panel.
COL_MODULE_NAME String. Corresponds to the Module Name column of the Report panel.
COL_NOTES String. Corresponds to the Notes column of the Report panel.
COL_PLATFORM String. Corresponds to the Platform column of the Report panel.
COL_REFERENCE String. Corresponds to the Reference column of the Report panel.
ID Integer. The call’s identifier within the result set.
INST_ID Integer. The identifier of the result set to which the row belongs. This is the same value as the result set’s INST_ID value in the INSTANCES table.
PARENT_ID Not used. Always contains -1.
REC_ID Reserved.


This table contains information about parent-child relations between the database tables holding the results generated by the Platform Compliance profiler.

Field Name Description
COL_CHILD_TABLE String. The name of a child table.
COL_PARENT_TABLE String. The name of a parent table. The NULL value means that the table specified by COL_CHILD_TABLE is a top-level table.
ID Integer. The identifier of a specific relation in the RELATIONS table.
INST_ID Integer. The identifier of the INSTANCES table item corresponding to the result set whose data the table contains.

See Also

Exporting Profiling Results to Database
Platform Compliance Profiler - Overview
Platform Compliance Profiler - Report Panel

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