Manage an Organization in API Hub for Design

Accounts typically have only one organization, which is created during the account setup.

Edit organization details

Only an owner can manage the organization: edit its details or rename it.

To access all edition options related to your organization:

  1. Click Organization Settings in the sidebar.

  2. Click Manage Organization.

  3. You will be redirected to the SmartBear Admin panel.

For detailed instructions regarding the management of your organization, refer to this article.Organizations

Organization ownership

An organization owner is a user who can administer the organization: add, view, and delete members; change member permissions; create and manage teams and projects; edit organization details; and so on.

While there may be multiple owners of an organization, each organization needs to have at least one. This means it is impossible to remove a user if they are the single owner of an organization.

Each owner needs to have a license assigned in SmartBear Admin. Without a license, an owner can only preview an organization's resources but does not have any management privileges.

Add and delete organization members

An organization owner can add or delete members and assign or delete their licenses.

Note that a user must have a license assigned in order to be a member of an organization (that is, to be able to access all of the organization's resources). An unlicensed user can only be granted access to a specific API or domain as a collaborator.

To manage user access to the organization:

  1. Click Organization Settings in the sidebar.

  2. Select Members in the sidebar under the organization name.

  3. Click Manage Members:

  4. You will be redirected to the SmartBear Admin panel.

For detailed instructions regarding adding members to an organization, refer to this article.Managing Members

Manage member roles

An organization member is a user who has been assigned a license in SmartBear Admin.

Additionally, in order for a user to be able to access their organization's resources, they need to have a role assigned in API Hub for Design.


A user automatically receives the role of an owner in API Hub for Design once they are assigned the role of an administrator in SmartBear Admin panel.

Similarly, after their role as an administrator in SmartBear Admin is removed, an owner loses their user role in API Hub for Design.

Designer and Consumer

After creating a user (non-owner) in SmartBear Admin and granting them a license, each user needs to have a role assigned in API Hub for Design - either as a designer or a consumer.Subscriptions

In order to assign or edit member roles:

  1. Click next to the organization name in the sidebar.

  2. Go to Members in the sidebar under the organization name.

  3. Select the checkbox at the relevant user in the table and click Create Role Assignment.

  4. Choose the relevant organization and user role, and click Create:

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