Get Email Notifications
API Hub for Design sends email notifications when specific events occur. You will receive notifications for any APIs and domains you are subscribed to. API and domain owners and collaborators are subscribed to notifications by default. Users can also subscribe to and unsubscribe from any API or domain they have access to. Anonymous users will need a API Hub for Design account in order to subscribe to API notifications.
Email notifications come from
Events that trigger notifications
Notifications are not sent to the user who triggered the notifications unless otherwise noted.
You will receive a notification when:
You are added to an organization.
Your role in the organization changes.
You are added to an API or domain as a collaborator.
Users subscribed to an API or domain (including the owner and collaborators) will receive a notification when:
A version of the API or domain is published, unpublished or deleted.
The API or domain is renamed.
The API or domain is transferred to another owner.
The API or domain is deleted.
A new version is added to an API or domain.
API or domain visibility is changed.
The default version of the API changes.
Collaborators will receive notifications when:
Comments are added, replied to, resolved or reopened.
If you refer to external domains in your APIs and domains, you will receive a notification when the domain you refer to is renamed, unpublished, deleted or changed from public to private.
When GitHub Push fails, an email is sent to the Notification Email specified in the integration settings.
When an organization is renamed, a notification is sent to all members.
Subscribe to notifications
When you create an API or domain, or when you are added as a collaborator to an API (domain), you are automatically subscribed to notifications from this API (domain). You can also subscribe to other users’ APIs and domains that you see on API Hub for Design, for example, to get notified when a new version of an API is available.

You can also subscribe to notifications from the API list in search results or My APIs:

Unsubscribe from notifications
Unsubscribe from an API or domain
If you no longer want to receive notifications from an API or domain, you can unsubscribe in several ways:
Open the API or domain page and click the
icon. It will become hollow:
Open My APIs, find this API or domain and click the
icon. It will become hollow:
Click the “unsubscribe” link in an email notification and confirm your resignation from the subscription.
Unsubscribe from all API notifications
To stop receiving notifications for all APIs and domains you are currently subscribed to:
When viewing an email notification, click the “unsubscribe” link. This will open the Unsubscribe page.
Click the “click here” link at the bottom of the page.