
Eligible plans: Enterprise

Note that "manage" permissions cover both read and write operations.


Provides access to all AI-related features, including all future permissions created under the ai: scope.


Can generate Pact tests from all current and future supported inputs.


Can generate Pact tests based on user-provided OpenAPI descriptions.


Can generate Pact tests based on user-provided client code.


Can generate Pact tests based on recorded request-response pairs.


Manage authentication settings, such as configuring SSO via Github or Google.


Bulk deletes pacts (which just removes the pacts and their associated verifications), applications (which removes associated pacts, verification results, application versions and webhooks) or an integration (which removes all pacts, verification results and webhooks, but leaves any application referenced by another integration).


Bulk deletes pacts (see above) where the consumer is assigned to the user's teams.


Bulk deletes pacts (see above) where the consumer was created by the logged in user.


Create, update, and delete any contract related data. This includes applications, application labels, application versions, branches, tags, pacts, and verification results. It allows the user to delete a single pact, but it does not allow to perform bulk deletions. When deleting an application that has associated pacts and versions, you must also have the appropriate bulk delete permission (see also contract_data:bulk_delete:*).


Create, update, and delete contract related data for applications assigned to the user's teams. Pacts are managed by the consumer's team(s) and verification results are managed by the provider's team(s).

Notes on use of this role


Some API Hub for Contract Testing resources, such as secrets and webhooks, have a team assigned at the time of creation, so team scoped permissions can be applied at that stage to determine whether the user can create the resource or not. API Hub for Contract Testing "applications" (also known as "pacticipants") are generally created through open-source libraries that are not aware of API Hub for Contract Testing teams, so the application resource must be created first, then added to a team in a separate step. Because the team associated with a pacticipant is not known at creation time, any user with only the contract_data:manage:team will not be allowed to create new pacticipants. If team users should be able to create pacticipants, ensure that the contract_data:manage:own permission is also added to the relevant role. If team users should not be able to create pacticipants, a user with contract_data:mangage:* must be the one to create the pacticipant. Once the pacticipant is added to a team, users with team scope may manage it thereafter.


Create, update, and delete contract related data for applications created by the logged in user. This permission is required to create an application in API Hub for Contract Testing before it is assigned to a team.


View any contract-related data. This includes applications, application labels, application versions, branches, tags, pacts, and verification results.


Notify API Hub for Contract Testing that a particular version of an application has been deployed or released.


Notify API Hub for Contract Testing that a particular version of an application associated with your team has been deployed or released.


Create, update, and delete any environment. When creating a new environment, the user can associate it with any team.


View a list of all environments.


View a list of environments associated with the user's teams.


Manage own read only API token. This permission is for users/system accounts that are not allowed to modify any resources (for example, those with the Viewer role), for whom it does not make sense to have a read/write token.


Create, update and delete roles (note that the pre-defined roles cannot be deleted).


View all roles.


Create, update and delete all secrets.


Create, update and delete secrets assigned to teams of which the user is a member.


View the names and descriptions of secrets assigned to teams of which the user is a member.


Manage the global system settings such as API token expiration and application notices.


Create, update and delete teams. Add and remove users, environments and applications to/from teams.


Manage administrators, users, environments and applications associated with a particular team. This permission is only associated with the Team Administrator role and cannot be assigned to any other roles.


View teams and their associated users and applications.


Manage own read/write and read only API tokens.


Invite a user to the API Hub for Contract Testing application.


Create, update, and disable any regular user (not system accounts), and modify their roles.


Set and update the user attributes used by the API Hub for Contract Testing SCIM API to identify the user in the external Identity Provider (externalIdpUsername and externalIdpId). Must be used in conjuction with user:invite and user:manage permissions. This permission can only be associated with the SCIM role.


View all regular users (not system accounts) and their associated roles.


Create, update, and delete any webhook.


Create, update and delete webhooks assigned to the teams of which the user is a member.

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