Usage Report

Last modified on July 26, 2024

This report is for customers with the Usage-Based Monitoring plan. It shows the measurement credit usage for the selected period:

  • How many credits you purchased, used, and have remaining.

  • Your total credit usage for all monitors over the selected time period.

  • Credit usage by individual monitors, location regions, and measurement types (regular, fullpage, and others).

  • Daily average credit usage.

Note: You can also see your credit usage summary in AlertSite UXM, by selecting > Usage Statistics from the top menu.
Credit Usage Report

Click the image to enlarge it.

Report options

  • Graphs – Include a bar chart showing the credit usage for all monitors over time.

  • Report Details – Include the Usage Statistics section detailing the credit for individual monitors, location regions, and measurement types.

Report columns

For a description of the report columns, see Report Column Descriptions.

See Also

Report Types
Creating Reports

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