
Last modified on January 24, 2025

Availability is the percentage of successful tests. A successful test means the monitored website, API or server is reachable, returns expected contents, and does not experience errors. Successful tests have status 0.

Example: 4 out of 5 tests were successful ⇒ availability is 80%

Availability and response time are the two basic metrics in AlertSite and are measured by all monitor types.

On Dashboards

AlertSite dashboards display monitor availability as a bar chart with the green color indicating a successful test and red indicating errors. The availability charts let you drill down from hourly or daily averages into the details for specific runs.

Availability chart drilldown

Click the image to enlarge it.

Availability Alerts

You can set up alerts to trigger when your monitor fails a test. Each monitor has an option whether to notify on error, and you can also route alerts from different monitors to different recipients.

See Also

About Reporting

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