ReadyAPI has fully transitioned to the ID-based SmartBear License Management (SLM) system. We are now moving into the final phase of deprecation of file-based licenses. Customers still using file-based licensing need to plan for migration to SLM before September 30, 2025. If you are still in the process of migrating or have yet to start, contact your Account Manager or SmartBear representative today. Our teams are ready to assist with smooth transition strategies. For additional support, please log a request with our Customer Care Team, who are standing by to help. For further information and timelines, please refer to this page. |
1.32.0 (January 30, 2025)
Updated H2 Database to Version 2.2.24: TestEngine now uses H2 Database version 2.2.24, offering better security, performance, and compatibility. If you’re upgrading to TestEngine 1.32.0, you must complete the database migration process to ensure a smooth transition. For more information, visit this page.
Environment Variable Support for Docker: Added support for environment variables in the TestEngine Docker image. For more information, visit this page.
ReadyAPI Compatibility: TestEngine 1.32.0 now fully supports ReadyAPI 3.57.0 and 3.58.0, ensuring seamless integration with the latest version.
H2 Migration Issue Resolution: We resolved a regression issue where incorrect logs were migrated when attempting to migrate an empty database.
TestEngine 1.32.0 includes newer versions of previously used libraries.
1.31.0 (June 05, 2024)
SLM authentication migrated to use Auth0 for improved security.
Improved the shutdown behavior so that the call to the unlock endpoint of the SLM server is sent during product shutdown, ensuring the license is correctly unlocked.
Created a function to perform and parse CURL and CLI requests from the command line to TestEngine.
After updating httpclient, ReadyAPI changed the way of building request URLs. TestEngine was modified to support this new behavior, ensuring duplicate '/' symbols are not merged.
Set the disableSniHostCheck flag to true by default to avoid issues with HTTPS communication.
Fixed an error related to unmatched closing Regex Patterns when running test cases in RAPI 3.48. TestEngine was updated to support this fix.
When the "Use Access for Everyone" checkbox is selected, the access key input window will be cleared and not used to install the license.
TestEngine is updated to support ReadyAPI 3.53.
TestEngine 1.31.0 includes newer versions of previously used libraries.
1.30.0 (October 23, 2023)
We resolved an issue where an incorrect license was presented in TestEngine when the SLM SaaS license was installed in ReadyAPI. Additionally, addressed the inability to uninstall this license. The license was showing as a "File-based license."
The command-line interface (CLI) and console now feature updated error messages in case the test project fails to refresh the access token.
TestEngine now provides compatibility for running gRPC tests that were created and updated in ReadyAPI.
We added a checkbox to simplify the license installation process when working within private networks.
TestEngine no longer removes users; instead, it deactivates them. We have redesigned the user interface to indicate that users are deactivated.
In the test job result report, there is an additional "Success Ratio" column with the format <passed-count>/<total-count> next to the status.
We added a new column in both the overview and history tables, showing "Run Time," specifically dedicated to displaying the "Test Run Time." This addition aims to provide users with a clear distinction between the run time while a test suite is being executed and the total time required to complete the test suite.
We provided installers for Mac X64 and ARM.
TestEngine CLI 1.9.0 is released.
TestEngine 1.30.0 includes newer versions of previously used libraries.
1.29.1 (July 26, 2023)
Important Updates for customers
When installing and starting TestEngine, there's a conflict with the Guice framework that prevents TestEngine from starting if a user has ReadyAPI installed and running on the same machine while being logged in. To resolve this, log out from ReadyAPI, start TestEngine, and then log back into ReadyAPI to install your license.
1.29.1 introduced an unintended issue that will be fixed in a future release. When installing an ID-Based License through the on-premise workflow with an SLM license server configured for Access for Everyone, there is a validation setting in the Access Key field. It requires a character entry to activate the Install button.
From October 2023, we won't provide file-based licensing. Instead, we will replace it with SmartBear ID-based licensing - With TestEngine 1.29.0, we extend support for SmartBear ID-based licenses hosted on SmartBear licensing servers. You can now specify your Access Key in the license installation process and request a license, once is it made available and assigned on As we approach the October milestone, we're actively encouraging customers to transition over. Now is the time to start planning that transition. You should immediately engage with your SmartBear Account Manager to understand the steps involved in transitioning and getting started. Please read here to learn more.
We released TestEngine CLI in Version 1.8.0.
In 1.29.1, we fixed the problem with test steps in ReadyAPI projects that required a Pro license. Now they work as expected in TestEngine for SLM licenses.
1.28.0 (April 26, 2023)
From October 2023, we won't provide file-based licensing. Instead, we will replace it with SmartBear ID-based licensing - SmartBear ID-based licensing (also known as SmartBear License Management or SLM), is a new license management option that we started using in ReadyAPI 3.8.1. Support for SmartBear ID-based licenses is now being added to TestEngine 1.28. It is more reliable and convenient than the license type used in the previous product versions. As we approach the October milestone, we're actively encouraging customers to transition over. Now is the time to start planning that transition. You should immediately engage with your SmartBear Account Manager to understand the steps involved in transitioning and getting started. Please read here to learn more.
Note: Support for SmartBear ID-based licenses is starting with offline (Customer on-premise) deployment in Q2 2023 (where the customer hosts the license server on-premise). We will add support for online (SmartBear hosts the license servers) later in 2023.
We upgraded to Java 17.0.6.
We updated a large list of libraries and vulnerabilities.
We updated CLI to 1.7.0 (adding support to manage ID-based licenses).
1.27.1 (Docker Only, November 4, 2022)
We bumped OpenSSL3 to latest version in Docker in response to CVE-2022-3602, CVE-2022-3786.
Please Note - Windows, Linux and Platform Independent versions remain at 1.27.0 as these are not impacted.
1.27.0 (November 2, 2022)
We upgraded to Java 17.0.4.
TestEngine now uses ReadyAPI 3.41 to execute tests. At this time, it does not support gRPC tests. This will be added in the future release.
We updated commons-text to 1.10 in response to CVE-2022-42889.
1.26.2 (April 6, 2022)
Upgraded spring libraries to 5.3.18.
1.26.1 (Docker only) (January 21, 2022)
Excluded log4j 1.2.17 that was present in the docker image.
1.26.0 (January 13, 2022)
Upgraded log4j2 to version 2.17.1.
TestEngine now uses ReadyAPI 3.10.1 to execute tests.
1.25.2 (December 13, 2021)
Upgraded log4j2 to version 2.15.0 and added flag -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true to mitigate vulnerability CVE-2021-44228.
1.25.0 (October 8, 2021)
TestEngine now uses ReadyAPI 3.9.2 to execute tests. This includes support for Smart Assertions and other new ReadyAPI features.
Support for API recipe versions is added.
1.24.0 (August 18, 2021)
Web reports now available in the UI.
Testengine's version is now visible in the user menu.
Diagnostics report can now be downloaded by an admin from the user menu.
Now only testsuites/cases that are going to be run are validated.
Support for the vmoptions file is now added to the .sh and .bat script in addition to the generated launcher.
Hid recipes behind a feature-flag. This is start of a revamp of recipes in testengine. Any customer that uses recipes should specify in vmoptions to enable them.
Jenkins Plugin 1.7.0 (August 6, 2021)
Custom properties can now be configured from the plugin.
Updated a lot of libraries, including jenkins plugin parent. This means that the plugin only supports jenkins version 2.222.4 and newer.
The jenkins version the TestEngine jenkins plugin will support from this release onwards will be based on recommendations from the jenkins project. It will be the oldest still supported by the jenkins project. These recommendations can be found here: http://#
1.23.0 (May 28, 2021)
TestEngine now uses ReadyAPI 3.8.0 to execute tests.
1.22.3 (April 30, 2021)
Docker version support graceful shutdown and will return floating license on shutdown.
Docker version can now be run as non root users.
Bug fix: Sometimes the with the testjob provided client certificate couldn't be read on Windows.
API call added to get a server diagnostics report.
Groovy scripts are now allowed get information about proxy.
CLI 1.6.0 (April 12, 2021)
Bug fix: The cli now creates reports with contents again.
Now supporting the parameters hostAndPort and callback. Kudos to http://#
1.21.1 (March 11, 2021)
Bug fix: The values of parameters clientCertFileName and clientCertPassword were lost when a job was queued.
TestEngine is stopped and a message is printed if the database is locked after a failed schema upgrade.
TestEngine now uses ReadyAPI 3.6.0 to execute tests.
Added actions to the "Recently Completed", similar to "Run History".
Moved User Management, License Management and Audit Log to the profile dropdown.
1.20.0 (February 26, 2021)
Bug fixes:
A grammar fix in the wording for the jdbc security setting.
NPE fix when running securityTest with custom scripts.
Testsuite/testcase are not validated when they are disabled.
Moved User Management, License Management and Audit Log to the profile dropdown.
Only the user running TestEngine has access to the temporary project files.
CLI 1.5.0 (February 16, 2021)
Exit status code is now 1 for any failure, including errors on the server, failing testjobs and if TestEngine CLI was unable to understand the operation.
1.19.0 (February 11, 2021)
Bug fix: Canceling a queued testjob is quicker now. No reports are generated and the UI shows a disabled download-button for such jobs.
1.18.0 (February 1, 2021)
Run history page is added.
Replaced with Recently completed jobs table in Overview page.
Added Running and in queued table in Overview page.
Admin tab is renamed to Server.
Bug fix: It should be possible to add allowed file paths making it possible to write to the root of the file-system.
Better validation for empty and faulty projects.
CLI 1.3.1 (January 14, 2021)
Added support to delete a job.
1.17.0 (December 17, 2020)
Added functionality to delete a Test Job on TestEngine UI.
1.16.0 (December 3, 2020)
Added global search bar on all the tables.
It is also possible to search for job with testjobId in testjobs table.
Column filters are always visible in testjobs table.
If a test step use property expansion, the file path validation is not done when the project is submitted but instead during runtime. This to solve errors with wrongly failing validations.
GET /testjobs/{testjobId}/transactions now returns http status 204 (no data) instead of 500 (internal server error) if no transactions are found.
Jenkins Plugin 1.6.0 (November 4, 2020)
Now testjobs are run asynchronously, making execution more stable and letting the user cancel a jenkins job.
Jenkins Plugin 1.5.0 (October 26, 2020)
Added support for composite projects.
Added support for remote zips.
Added support for priority jobs through the plugin.
Azure Plugin 1.3.1 (October 23, 2020)
Update documentation to refer to ReadyAPI instead of SoapUI.
1.14.0 (October 22, 2020)
JDBC connections in test steps are now not allowed until an admin user enabled them in the settings file, via the settings endpoint or in the user interface. This will make all (new and already present) tests using JDBC fail unless this setting is changed.
References to the SoapUI brand name have been removed.
TestEngine now uses Ready API version 3.4.0.
This version of TestEngine require Protection License Server 5.1.5 or later.
CLI 1.3.1 (October 21, 2020)
Update documentation to refer to ReadyAPI instead of SoapUI.
1.13.0 (September 23, 2020)
Improved error messages for file access check.
Added field passedAssertions to json result report.
Fixed bug where Properties test step would complain about blank paths.
Azure Plugin 1.3.0 (September 10, 2020)
Support for saving JUnit report into a file.
CLI 1.3.0 (September 4, 2020)
Support for printing report to the console.
1.12.1 (September 1, 2020)
TestEngine can now reconnect to the floating license server if the license server gets restarted.
Fixed bug where the environment query parameter would be lost if a project gets queued.
TestEngine now allows the user to change the priority for testjobs.
The TestEngine UI now shows priority jobs as part of the job table.
Security fixes.
Azure Plugin 1.2.1 (July 3, 2020)
Support for submitting prioritized jobs.
1.11.0 (July 2, 2020)
Security fixes.
CLI 1.2.1 (June 30, 2020)
Support for submitting prioritized jobs.
CLI 1.2.0 (June 4, 2020)
Updated configuration description for tags.
Azure Plugin 1.2.0 (June 4, 2020)
Updated configuration description for tags.
1.10.0 (June 4, 2020)
Support for submitting prioritized jobs.
Tags can now be used for both test cases and test suites.
Bump ReadyAPI dependency to 3.2.5.
Jenkins Plugin 1.4.0 (June 4, 2020)
Updated configuration description for tags.
Azure Plugin 1.1.1 (May 8, 2020)
Support for running Security Tests.
1.9.1 (May 6, 2020)
Support for running Security Tests.
Jenkins Plugin 1.3.0 (May 6, 2020)
Support for running Security Tests.
1.8.2 (March 27, 2020)
The bundled JRE for the Linux installer has been updated.
1.8.1 (March 19, 2020)
Back end:
Update the ReadyAPI dependency to 3.1.0.
Update the Java version to 11. If the zip distribution is used, a new Java version needs to be set up (Java 11 or later).
Stop using "testengine" as the default password. Instead, enter the password in the installer or as startup parameters. If no password is provided, a random password will be generated and printed in the console during the first startup. Old installations are not affected by this when upgrading.
The security fix of WebSocket tokens.
1.7.0 (February 13, 2020)
Front end:
Minor UI fixes.
Back end:
It is possible to get a token and use it as a bearer token instead of using basic authorization.
1.6.0 (January 15, 2020)
Front end:
Minor UI fixes.
Back end:
It is possible to install TestEngine as a Windows service.
1.5.0 (December 05, 2019)
Front end:
Minor UI fixes.
1.4.0 (November 20, 2019)
Front end:
Minor UI fixes.
Back end:
Reports are in the PDF format.
Tuning of groovy script security.
The possibility of using a full URL in a transaction log.
1.3.0 (November 6, 2019)
Front end:
The third-party libraries have been upgraded to be up to date.
Minor UI fixes.
1.2.0 (October 23, 2019)
Back end:
The third-party libraries have been upgraded to be up to date.
Front end:
Part of third-party libraries has been upgraded to be up to date.
Minor UI fixes.
1.1.0 (October 9, 2019)
Back end:
It is possible to specify a timeout for a job.
Front end:
A better tooltip in the test jobs graph.
Redirecting when opening the application with no license present has been improved.
1.0.3 (September 25, 2019)
Back end:
Using ReadyAPI 2.8.2 internally.
A floating license can be installed even if the server is not listed in the Allowed connection targets.
Front end:
The license section has moved to a separate tab.
Expose settings for database cleanup on the settings page.
1.0.2 (September 13, 2019)
Back end:
Automatic cleanup of test jobs.
Negative performance timing has been fixed.
Front end:
Update the Settings UI.
Get a test job ID from the UI.
1.0.1 (August 29, 2019)
Back end:
Using ReadyAPI 2.8.0 internally.
The bug when installing a floating license after a trial one has been fixed.
In JUnit reports, canceled steps have been marked as failed.
The TestEngine version is now shown on startup and in /api/v1/version.
The API to clean up test results has been improved.
Front end:
Save Server Settings on the Enter key.
Redirect to log in even from the 404 page when logged out.
1.0.0 (August 13, 2019)
The initial version.