Diagnostics Report

Applies to TestEngine 1.31, last modified on June 07, 2024

The Diagnostics report gathers TestEngine’s logs, configuration info, and other information that may be useful for troubleshooting.

Tip: The diagnostic report does not contain any sensitive information.

Collected data

To get the diagnostics report, you can either use the web interface of TestEngine or send a request to the TestEngine API using curl, ReadyAPI, or any other similar tool.

Note: Only administrators can get the diagnostics report.

Using API

Use the following operation:

GET  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/diagnostics


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.

See details on SwaggerHub.


Using Web UI

  1. Go to the home page of TestEngine:


    For example, if TestEngine is installed on your local machine and you run it on the default port, use the following link:

  2. Select Diagnostics Report from the user menu, and then click Download Diagnostics Report:

    Audit Log

    Click the image to enlarge it.

See Also

Audit Log

Highlight search results