Adding More APIs to Existing Projects

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

In most cases, your ReadyAPI project contains at least one API, but you can add more if needed.

There are three main ways to add an API to the project:

Import from Definition

Use an API definition (Swagger/OpenAPI, GraphQL, AsyncAPI, gRPC and so on) to add an API to the project. You can import an API from a local file, URL address, or directly from SwaggerHub.

Create API Definition

You create a REST or Kafka API from scratch.

Discover API

You add an API by recording requests while you are working with the service.

Import from Definition

To import API from definition:

  • Click Plusnext to the APIs node and select Import API Definition:

    Show image

    — or —

    Right-click the APIs section in the Navigator and select Import API Definition.

    Show image

  • Use the Import API Definition dialog to import the definition:

    Tab Description

    My Computer
    or URL

    Import the definition from a definition file: Swagger/OpenAPI, GraphQL, AsyncAPI (Kafka), gRPC, WSDL, or WADL.


    Import the definition from SwaggerHub.

    OAS 3.1

    Displays OpenAPI Specification version 3.1 definitions.

Note: Some special characters like {, } will be replaced in automatically generated test case names derived from request URLs. This is because of compatibility issues with Groovy scripts.

Import from file

To import an API from a definition file, specify the path to a local file, or its URL in the Source field and click Import API:

Add API to ReadyAPI project

Click the image to enlarge it.

ReadyAPI defines the definition type automatically. If you need to specify advanced options, select the needed type manually from the Type drop-down list.

Below, you can find descriptions of the Advanced options for different definition types:

  • Default Media Type - Specifies the media type that ReadyAPI will use for the requests in which no media type is specified.

When you load a large definition, ReadyAPI may fail to save the project because of the lack of Java heap space. To fix the issue, you can disable creating request samples.

  • Create sample requests for all operations - Creates sample requests for all WSDL operations.


  • Create a test case for the imported WSDL - Generate test cases for each operation in WSDL.

  • Create a virtual service for the imported WSDL - Creates a virtual API based on the imported WSDL.

  • Create a test case for the imported WADL - Select this option if you want ReadyAPI to generate a test case.

There are currently no advanced options for AsyncAPI definitions.

There are currently no advanced options for gRPC definitions.

Import from SwaggerHub

ReadyAPI supports SwaggerHub SaaS and SwaggerHub On‑Premise 1.23.0-46 or later.

Use the SwaggerHub tab to import public or private definitions from SwaggerHub:

  1. Select a definition or definitions that you want to add to your project.

    Create project from SwaggerHub: Select definitions

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    • My API contains APIs created by or shared with the SwaggerHub account that you have added to ReadyAPI. If you haven't added an account, click Log In to SwaggerHub.

      Log in to SwaggerHub

    • Public API contains all the APIs in SwaggerHub that you have access to.

    Tip: Use search and filter functionality to find the APIs you need.

    Filter reference

  2. Select versions of definitions that will be imported. The default version (marked with ) of the definition is selected by default:

    Create project from SwaggerHub: Select version

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Click Import API.

You can also publish your API definition to SwaggerHub or SwaggerHub On-Premise. See Export to SwaggerHub for details.

If you cannot connect to SwaggerHub using your credentials, try regenerating API keys in SwaggerHub:

  1. Open the account settings in SwaggerHub:

    SwaggerHub integration: Account settings
  2. Switch to the API Keys tab and click Regenerate:

    SwaggerHub integration: Regenerating API keys

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Edit your SwaggerHub account info in ReadyAPI and enter the new API key:

    SwaggerHub integration: Edit account info

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Please note that, if you use these keys to access SwaggerHub’s public API, you need to update them in your code, as well.

Import GraphQL API from Introspection Query

You can directly import the GraphQL API from the running service by providing the URL of the GraphQL endpoint. There's no requirement for a file with a predefined schema.

  • To import, determine the URL of the GraphQL endpoint. By default, the endpoint is set to "/graphql."

    GraphQL API importing: Importing via Introspection Query
  • Ensure that the introspection query is enabled on the server. This is necessary for automatic schema creation.

  • The schema will be generated automatically based on the provided URL and the enabled introspection query.

    GraphQL API importing: Importing via Introspection Query
  • The URL of the GraphQL endpoint will be added to the API definition.

    GraphQL API importing: Importing via Introspection Query

Create API Definition (For REST and Kafka services)

  1. Click Plusnext to the APIs node and select Create API Definition:

    Show image

    — or —

    Right-click the APIs section in the Navigator and select Create API Definition.

    Show image

  2. Specify the name of the API and protocol and click Create API:

    API testing: The Create API definition dialog

    To learn how to populate the newly created API, see Managing REST APIs and Managing Kafka APIs.

Other ways to add APIs

To add an XML-RPC service to your project:

  1. Right-click the APIs node and select New XML-RPC Service from URL:

    SwaggerHub in ReadyAPI: Importing SwaggerHub definition
  2. In the subsequent dialog, enter your service .rem URL:

    Adding the new XML-RPC Service from URL

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. To create sample requests, select Create Requests.

  4. Click OK.

See Also

Extend Existing APIs
Organizing APIs

Highlight search results