Visual Testing Capabilities

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on February 05, 2025

Projects created in TestComplete with early access to the VisualTest integration will not work in the version with official public support introduced in version 15.60.


As of November 2023, we have introduced visual testing capabilities for tests in TestComplete.

Learn more about VisualTest in our documentation.


Make sure you use the correct versions of TestComplete and SmartBear Test Extension if you intend to include visual testing features in your tests.

About integration

While writing your test scripts, you can use the VisualTest library and its methods to get started. Go to the Methods section to see all available methods with descriptions.

This integration supports both script and keyword testing.

Free trial

You can discover the capabilities of visual testing with our 14-day free trial. Learn more here.

How to get started

Script Tests

Follow the steps below if you use this integration for the first time:

  1. Open a script test in TestComplete and in the script area start writing:


  2. You will see available methods from the product library you can use in your script:

    Available Methods

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    The Capture() method will send your screenshots to VisualTest.

  3. Run your script. Depending on the complexity of your script it might take a while for TestComplete to show a pop-up window asking you to log into your VisualTest account:

    VisualTest Authentication Pop-up

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    You only need to authenticate once the first time you use visual testing.

  4. After the completion of your test, you can see the logs from the execution.

View Comparisons in the VisualTest documentation to learn more.

Keyword Tests

Follow the steps below if you use this integration for the first time:

  1. Open a keyword test and record steps.

  2. Add a new VisualTest operation at the desired location.

  3. Checkpoint Wizard will ask you to configure this step:

    Capture Types

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    You need to choose one of the capture types:

    • Full Screen
    • Viewport
    • Element

    Test Run and Capture names are optional.

  4. Rerun your test. Depending on the complexity of your script it might take a while for TestComplete to show a pop-up window asking you to log into your VisualTest account:

    VisualTest Authentication Pop-up

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    You only need to authenticate once the first time you use visual testing.

  5. After the completion of your test, you can see the logs from the execution.

View Comparisons in the VisualTest documentation to learn more.


Method Description
CreateRun(String Description) Creates a Visual Test run.
Capture(Object Element,
String imageName,
ImageType ImageType,
[unsigned int lazyLoadDelay = 0])
Performs the capture of a specific element with provided arguments. The element variable must be a page object for Fullscreen of Viewport capture. For Element capture any element can be used. ImageType can be: Fullpage, Viewport or Element.
AddIgnoredElement(String elementSelector) Adds the element to be ignored during comparison. Multiple elements can be added with sequential calls to this method. Elements are ignored only during the next capture.
SetComparisonMode(CompMode comparisonMode,
[Sensitivity Sensitivity =3])
Sets the comparison mode to override the project comparison settings. It will be active only during the next capture.

Code Samples

The following examples show how you can use the VisualTest functions in your tests:

  • CreateRun() and Capture()

    JavaScript, JScript

    function BasicUsage()
      pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("");
      let testRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("Basic usage test run");
      testRun.Capture(pageObject, "full screen capture", testRun.Fullpage);
      testRun.Capture(pageObject, "view port", testRun.Viewport);
      elementObject = pageObject.FindElement(“#header “);
      testRun.Capture(elementObject, "element capture", testRun.Element);


    def BasicUsage():
     pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("")
     testRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("Basic usage test run")
     testRun.Capture(pageObject, "full screen capture", testRun.Fullpage)
     testRun.Capture(pageObject, "view port", testRun.Viewport)
     elementObject = pageObject.FindElement(“#header “)
     testRun.Capture(elementObject, "element capture", testRun.Element)

  • LazyLoadDelay()

    JavaScript, JScript

    function LazyLoadDelay()
      pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("");
      let testRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("LazyLoadDelay test run");
      const lazyLoadDelay = 4 * 1000; // milliseconds, for fullpage screenshot, will load lazy content before capturing screenshot
      testRun.Capture(pageObject, "lazy load image", testRun.Fullpage, lazyLoadDelay);



    def LazyLoadDelay():
     pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("")
     testRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("LazyLoadDelay test run")
     lazyLoadDelay = 4 * 1000; // milliseconds, for fullpage screenshot, will load lazy content before capturing screenshot
     testRun.Capture(pageObject, "lazy load image", testRun.Fullpage, lazyLoadDelay)

  • AddIgnoredElement()

    JavaScript, JScript

    function BasicUsage()
      pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("");
      let testRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("Basic usage test run");
      testRun.AddIgnoredElement('#content-center > div > div > div.artlist.artlist-grid.artlist-6-cols.artlist-boxed.artlist-homepage-categories > article:nth-child(2) > > a > img');
      testRun.Capture(pageObject, 'image name', testRun.Fullpage);


    def BasicUsage():
     pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("")
     testRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("Basic usage test run")
     testRun.AddIgnoredElement('#content-center > div > div > div.artlist.artlist-grid.artlist-6-cols.artlist-boxed.artlist-homepage-categories > article:nth-child(2) > > a > img')
     testRun.Capture(pageObject, "image name", testRun.Fullpage)

  • SetComparisonMode()

    JavaScript, JScript

    function ComparisonMode()
      pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("");
      //Modify the page:
      var element = pageObject.FindElement("//h1[.='Welcome to our store.']");
      let style =;
      style.cssText = "background:red";
      let comparisonModeTestRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("Comparison check baseline");
      comparisonModeTestRun.SetComparisonMode(comparisonModeTestRun.Layout, comparisonModeTestRun.Low);
      comparisonModeTestRun.Capture(pageObject, 'full view', comparisonModeTestRun.Fullpage);
      comparisonModeTestRun.Capture(pageObject, 'full view 2', comparisonModeTestRun.Fullpage);



    def ComparisonMode():
     pageObject = Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("")
     //Modify the page:
     element = pageObject.FindElement("//h1[.='Welcome to our store.']")
     style =
     style.cssText = "background:red"
     comparisonModeTestRun = VisualTest.CreateRun("Comparison check baseline")
     comparisonModeTestRun.SetComparisonMode(comparisonModeTestRun.Layout, comparisonModeTestRun.Low)
     comparisonModeTestRun.Capture(pageObject, 'full view', comparisonModeTestRun.Fullpage)
     comparisonModeTestRun.Capture(pageObject, 'full view 2', comparisonModeTestRun.Fullpage)


  • Make sure you have installed the correct version of SmartBear Test Extension if your tests fail:

    SmartBear Test Extension

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    It should be version 15.0.0 (or later).

Further reading

Highlight search results