Run TestComplete Tests as Part of a Pipeline

Applies to TestComplete 15.72, last modified on February 05, 2025

Video Tutorial



Configure a pipeline

  1. Open the web portal of your team project. You can navigate to it directly in your web browser, or you can open it from Team Explorer in Visual Studio.

  2. Navigate to the Pipelines page.

  3. Open an existing pipeline or click New pipeline to create a new one.

    You can create a YAML script that describes your pipeline, or you can create a pipeline with the visual editor. To create a pipeline with the visual editor, click Use the classical editor:

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Creating a new pipeline with the visual editor

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  4. If needed, specify the repository that stores your TestComplete project files:

    For example:


    name: Build1
      - main
        - repository: AutomatedTestsRepo
          type : github
          endpoint: connection
          name: MyGitHubRepo/AutomatedTests

        - checkout: self
        - checkout: AutomatedTestsRepo
          path: AutomatedTests
          clean: true

    Visual editor

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Getting TestComplete project suite from a repository

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  5. Add stages and jobs that will run your TestComplete tests.

  6. Specify agents on which your tests will run:

    • If you use Microsoft-hosted agents, specify a Windows-based virtual machine that will be used to create agents. For example:


      name: Build1

        - stage: QA
          displayName: QA
          - job: Job1
            displayName: Job1
            continueOnError: true
              name: Azure Pipelines
              vmImage: 'windows-latest'

      Visual editor

      TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Specifying Microsoft-hosted agents where TestComplete tests will run

      Click the image to enlarge it.

      The agents must have TestComplete (or TestExecute) installed on them, and the installed product must use the SmartBear ID-based license. To learn how to install the product on the agents and how to specify the SmartBear ID, see below.

      Note: Running web tests in Edge on Microsoft-hosted agents is not supported. As a workaround, you can use another web browser, or you can run your web tests on self-hosted agents instead.

    • If you use self-hosted (private) agents, you can do one of the following:

      • Use demands to specify agents that already have TestComplete (or TestExecute) installed:


        name: Build1

          - stage: QA
            displayName: QA
            - job: Job1
              displayName: Job1
              continueOnError: true
                name: QA
                demands: TestRunner -equals TestExecute

        Visual editor

        TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Specofying agents where TestComplete tests will run

        Click the image to enlarge it.

      • Configure the pipeline to install TestComplete (or TestExecute) to the agents. See below.

    If needed, configure the job to distribute the tests among multiple agents. To learn how to do it, see Run tests in parallel using the Visual Studio Test task. Note: Your tests must be able to run independently from each other.

  7. If your test agents do not have Visual Studio installed, you can add the Install Visual Studio Test Platform task to the stage. The task will install the test platform that allows running tests on computers where Visual Studio is not installed. To learn about the task, see the task description.


    name: Build1

      - stage: QA
        displayName: QA
        - job: Job1
          - task: VisualStudioTestPlatformInstaller@1
              packageFeedSelector: 'nugetOrg'
              versionSelector: 'latestStable'

    Visual editor

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Adding the Install Visual Studio Test Platform task

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  8. Add the Enable support for TestComplete tests task.

    Note: If the task is not available, make sure that you have the TestComplete Test Adapter extension installed on your server. See Install TestComplete Test Adapter Extension.

    Configure the task:

    • Select the application that you want to use to run tests: TestComplete or TestExecute.

      Note: If the selected application is not installed on the agent, the one that is installed will be used instead.

    • If needed, configure the task to install the specified test runner on agents. If neither TestComplete nor TestExecute is installed on the agent, the task will install the selected preferred test runner to the agent.

    • If needed, configure the task to update the test runner. The task will update the installed product to match the extension version. If any patches or updates, for instance, Google Chrome Support update, are available for the product, the task will install them either.

    • If you use a SmartBear ID-based license for your TestComplete (TestExecute) instance, specify the access key assigned to your SmartBear account. This key will be used to license the TestComplete (TestExecute) instances running on agents.

      How to get the access key from the License Management

      If you are already logged in with your SmartBear account on the test agent, you can skip this step.

      If you use a key-based license, skip this step.

      If you do not have the SmartBear ID-based license yet and want to try it, please contact our Customer Care team or our Sales team.

    • Specify how the test adapter will search for tests to run:

      • In Execution Plan - The test adapter will search for test cases in the Execution Plan of your TestComplete projects. It will run the following items:

      • Among project items - The test adapter will search for test cases among all items of TestComplete projects. It will run the following:

        • Keyword tests and script tests that have any tag assigned to them.

          By default, the test adapter treats all tests with tags assigned to them as test cases and will run all these tests. To run only tests that have a specific tag assigned, use the filter expression.

        • BDD scenarios.

        • Scenario outlines, if the Treat each example in Scenario Outline as a separate test case option of the project is disabled.

        • Script routines marked as test cases in code. To mark a routine as a test case, add a comment in the // @"test_case_name" format right before the routine declaration. Do not omit double quotes.

      You can also specify a filter expression to run only those found tests that match it. See below.

    • Specify when you want to retrieve test logs: only for failed tests, for failed tests and for tests with warnings, or for all tests.

    • If needed, configure the task to pass additional command-line parameters to TestComplete (or TestExecute).

      You can, for example, use the /EnableModule parameter to disable redundant TestComplete modules and addons on your test agents. You can also pass pipeline and task variables to your TestComplete tests by using the /PrjVar and /PSVar parameters or by using custom parameters. See Pass Environment Variables to TestComplete Tests.


    name: Build1

    stages :
      - stage: QA
        - job: Job1
          - task: InstallTestCompleteAdapter@1
              updateExecutor: true
              : '123-456-789'
              searchMode: ExecutionPlan
              logsLevel: '0'
              cmdLineParams: '/PrjVar:UserName="adam.smith"'
              preferredExecutor: TE

    Visual editor

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Configuring the Enable TestComplete tests task

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  9. By default, Microsoft-hosted agents have their screen resolution set to 1024 × 768. This may affect automated tests that interact with GUI. To avoid possible issues, set a proper screen resolution on the agents before running tests. You can do this by using the Screen Resolution Utility extension provided by Microsoft. See Run TestComplete Tests on Microsoft-Hosted Agents.

  10. Add the Visual Studio Test task to your pipeline and configure the added task to run your TestComplete tests:

    By specifying a TestComplete project suite directly
    1. Configure the task to select tests by using assemblies.

    2. Specify the project suite file (.pjs) that contains your tests and that the task will run.

    3. Specify the folder on your agent where the task will search for TestComplete project files. By default, it will search for the files in the agent’s working folder.

      Note: If you specify any Search folder other than the default working folder, in the Path to custom test adapters text box, specify the path to the TestComplete test adapter: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\TestCompleteAdapter.

    4. If needed, you can use a filter expression to specify test items of your TestComplete project that you want to run.

      Filter syntax

    5. You may also specify the test run name to which test results will be assigned.


    name: Build1

      - stage: QA
        displayName: QA
        - job: Job1
          displayName: Job1
          - task: InstallTestCompleteAdapter@1
          - task: VSTest@2
              testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
              testAssemblyVer2: '**\*.pjs'
              searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
              testFiltercriteria: 'Name=Test1'
              vsTestVersion: 'toolsInstaller'
              testRunTitle: 'Automated tests'

    Visual editor

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Configuring a Visual Studio Test task to run TestComplete tests

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    If you are using version 1 of the Visual Studio Test task or if you have set the Search folder value to any value other than the default working folder, in the Path to Custom Test Adapters text box, specify the path to the TestComplete test adapter: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\TestCompleteAdapter.

    Visual editor

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Configuring a Visual Studio Test task to use TestComplete test adapter

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    By specifying a test plan

    To run TestComplete tests as part of a test plan, your TestComplete project must be bound to your team project, and your TestComplete test cases must be linked to the team project’s test cases. See Link TestComplete Test Cases to Azure DevOps Test Cases.

    1. Configure the task to run tests of a test plan.

    2. Specify the test plan and a test suite that includes the TestComplete tests.

    3. Specify the test environments where you want to run tests.

    4. Specify the folder on your agent where the task will search for TestComplete project files. By default, it will search for the files in the agent’s working folder.

      Note: If you specify any Search folder other than the default working folder, in the Path to custom test adapters text box, specify the path to the TestComplete test adapter: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\TestCompleteAdapter.

    5. You may also specify the test run name to which test results will be assigned.


    name: Build1

        - stage: QA
          displayName: QA
          - job: Job1
            displayName: Job1
            - task: InstallTestCompleteAdapter@1
            - task: VSTest@2
                testSelector: 'testPlan'
                testPlan: 'My test plan 1'
                testSuite: 'My test suite 1'
                testConfiguration: '8'
                searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
                vsTestVersion: 'toolsInstaller'
                testRunTitle: 'Automated tests'

    Visual editor

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Configuring a Visual Studio Test task to run test cases to which TestComplete tests are assigned

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  11. If needed, specify other pipeline properties. You can learn more at

  12. Save the changes.

Run a pipeline

Queue the created pipeline, for example, by clicking Run. On the Build page of the pipeline, you can monitor the pipeline progress.

The Visual Studio Test task will locate the specified TestComplete tests and run them.

View test results

  1. Switch to the Tests section of the pipeline. It shows a summary report of a test run: the number of failed and passed tests and the status of each of them:

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Test run summary

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  2. If a test has failed, you can view information on the occurred error in the Debug section:

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Error message

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. To get the detailed test log, you can download the log in the .mht format from the Attachments section:

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: TestComplete test log

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    Depending on the Save logs for setting value, logs could be available only for failed tests, for failed tests and for tests with warnings, or for all tests.

  4. To get a log generated for the entire test run, click the test run, then switch to the Attachments section and download the .trx file:

    TestComplete integration with Azure DevOps: Test run results

    Click the image to enlarge it.

See Also

Integration With Azure DevOps and Team Foundation Server via TestComplete Test Adapter
Install TestComplete Test Adapter Extension

Highlight search results