
Using .NET Classes samples illustrate how your scripts can call functions located in .NET assemblies. The script first tests basic .NET types (DateTime, Decimal and String), then calls methods of a user-defined assembly and finally calls methods of a user-defined executable.

These samples are a part of the additional sample package. To use them, download this package from support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/downloads/samples and install it.

After the installation is over, you can find the samples in the <TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Using .NET Classes folder.


Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.x solutions

<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Using .NET Classes\Application\UserApp\UserApp.sln

<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Using .NET Classes\Application\UserClassLib\UserClassLib.sln

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 solutions

<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Using .NET Classes\Application\UserApp\UserApp_VS2005.sln

<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Using .NET Classes\Application\UserClassLib\UserClassLib_VS2005.sln

TestComplete project suites

<TestComplete 15 Samples>\Desktop\Using .NET Classes

See Also

TestComplete Samples
Tutorials and Samples
Video Tutorials (web)

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