Testing iOS Applications - Tutorial

Applies to TestComplete 15.71, last modified on February 05, 2025

This tutorial explains how to test iOS applications with TestComplete. It assumes that you are familiar with general principles of automated testing and have minimal knowledge of the TestComplete IDE.

If you are a novice user, we recommend that you read an introduction to automated testing and a brief product overview first:

Introducing Automated Testing and TestComplete


You can follow this tutorial and create a test for an iOS application only if you have the following:

  • A Windows computer with TestComplete 15.71 installed and an active license for the TestComplete Mobile module.

  • Access to an iOS device managed by an Appium server. It can be:

    • The mobile device cloud provided by BitBar. We will use it in this tutorial. We will show how to create a free trial BitBar account and access the mobile devices it provides.

    – or –

    • A private Appium server running on a remote computer in your local network.

      Note: If you do not have a private Appium server, you can consider configuring it. In this case, a Mac computer where the server will be running is required. Your TestComplete computer must have network access to that Mac computer. Configuring a private Appium server is beyond this tutorial scope. See Set up Appium on macOS for Testing iOS Devices.

  • A Mac computer with Xcode, iOS SDK, and an iOS development license to compile the sample Orders application.

  • If you use a local Appium server, place the compiled Orders.ipa file to a location where your server can access it, for example, in a shared network location.

Note: No other tools or utilities, for instance, iTunes, are required for this tutorial.

In this tutorial

We are going to create a trial BitBar account, connect to an iOS mobile device in the BitBar device cloud, deploy a tested application to it, create and run a simple test, and analyze the results.

See Also

About Mobile Tests
Introducing Automated Testing and TestComplete
Getting Started With TestComplete

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