Bootstrap Alert Properties

Applies to TestComplete 15.44, last modified on November 10, 2022

When testing Bootstrap Alert controls, you can use specific properties of the corresponding test object, as well as properties that TestComplete applies to all test and onscreen objects. You can see these properties below. The properties are organized into the Standard, Extended and other categories. For more information about this, see Categories of Object Methods and Properties.

Property List   | View


This category includes properties that TestComplete applies to all test objects.

Name Description
_NewEnum Returns an enumerator for the collection of children that belong to the object.
ChildCount Returns the number of child objects of the given object.
Enabled Specifies whether an object can accept user input or not.
Exists Tells you whether an object exists in the system.
FullName Specifies the full name that uniquely identifies the object in TestComplete.
Height Specifies the height of the object in pixels.
Id Returns the object’s identifier.
Left Specifies the horizontal position of the object’s left edge relative its parent window.
MappedName Returns the custom name that is mapped to the original object name and is used to address the object in scripts.
Name Returns the object name.
NativeChromeObject Provides access to methods and properties of web page elements displayed in Google Chrome.
NativeFirefoxObject Provides access to methods and properties of web page elements displayed in Mozilla Firefox.
NativeWebObject Provides access to methods and properties of web page elements displayed in Internet Explorer, Edge or in a WebBrowser control.
Parent Returns the parent object of the given object.
ScreenLeft Specifies the horizontal position of the object’s left edge in screen coordinates.
ScreenTop Specifies the vertical position of the object’s top edge in screen coordinates.
Top Specifies the vertical position of the object’s top edge relative to the object’s parent window.
Visible Specifies whether the object is visible to users.
VisibleOnScreen Specifies whether any part of the object is currently visible on screen.
Width Specifies the width of the object in pixels.

This category includes properties that extend test functionality for the Bootstrap Alert objects.

Name Description
contentText Returns the combined text contents of the object and its child objects.
idStr Returns a string that contains the value of the element’s ID attribute.
namePropStr Returns a string that contains the value of the element’s nameProp property.
ObjectIdentifier Returns an object identifier that is used to name objects. It can be either a web element id, object text or index among other sibling objects of the same type.
ObjectLabel Returns an object label.
ObjectType Returns a string that contains an element type that is used to name objects.
wButtonCount Returns the number of buttons the alert message contains.
wButtonText Returns the caption of the specified alert message’s button.
wLinkCount Returns the number of links in the alert message.
wLinkText Returns the text of the link specified by its index in the alert message.
wTitle Returns the title of the alert message.
<Name Mapping>

These properties are available only if the test object has been mapped (see Name Mapping). You can use them in your tests, but they are not displayed in the Object Browser panel.

Name Description
NamedChild Returns a child object stored in the Name Mapping repository (by its index).
NamedChildCount Returns the number of child objects of an object stored in the Name Mapping repository.
NodeDescription Returns the description of an object stored in the Name Mapping repository.
Other Categories

TestComplete provides access to internal properties and methods of tested web objects. You can view these properties and methods in the Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and other categories (which categories are available depends on the type of the web browser where your tested web application is running). The TestComplete help file does not include a description of these methods and properties. For information on them, please see the DOM model description and the HTML standards for the web browser you use.

See Also

Bootstrap Alert Support

Highlight search results