Supported Yahoo! User Interface Library Controls

Applies to TestComplete 14.70, last modified on April 22, 2021

TestComplete supports testing of various Yahoo! User Interface Library controls. The sections below describe how you can test these controls in detail.

About Testing Yahoo! User Interface Library Controls

TestComplete can work with any web control via the control’s graphical user interface displayed in a web browser, no matter how the control is implemented on the server side. You can test web applications that use controls implemented by using various technologies and frameworks, including Yahoo! User Interface Library.

Besides, TestComplete provides extended support for most of Yahoo! User Interface Library controls. It automatically associates them with special scripting test objects that contain supplementary methods and properties for working with the controls, for example, for selecting individual items and retrieving the item text.

Support for Yahoo! UI Library controls is rather transparent. During test recording, TestComplete automatically recognizes Yahoo! UI Library controls on a page and records the appropriate test commands for your actions. You can then run the recorded test to see how TestComplete simulates user actions on the controls. The entire procedure is very similar to recording and running web tests that work with “regular” web controls. See Web Testing Tutorial, then try to record and run tests on your Yahoo! UI Library web pages.

Supported Controls

Below is the complete list of Yahoo! User Interface Library 2 and Yahoo! User Interface Library 3 controls for which TestComplete provides extended support.

Yahoo! User Interface Library 2 Controls
Control Library Class
AutoComplete Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete
ButtonGroup Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.ButtonGroup
Calendar Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Calendar
Carousel Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Carousel
CheckboxButton Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Button
DataTable Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.DataTable
Dual Thumb Slider Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Slider
LinkButton Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Button
Menu Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Menu
MenuButton Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Button
PushButton Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Button
RadioButton Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Button
Rich Text Editor Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Editor
Slider Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Slider
SplitButton Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Button
TabView Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.TabView
TreeView Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.TreeView
Uploader Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 YAHOO.widget.Uploader
Yahoo! User Interface Library 3 Controls
Control Library Class
AutoComplete Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 Y.AutoComplete
Accordion Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 Y.Accordion
DataTable Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 Y.plugin.DataTable
NodeAccordion Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 Y.plugin.NodeAccordion
Slider Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 Y.Slider
TabView Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 Y.TabView

Note: If your control is not in the list, you can try working with it by using the properties and methods TestComplete provides for standard web elements. See Support for Web Controls.

Supported Browser Versions

TestComplete supports testing of Yahoo! controls in web applications displayed in the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer ver. 11.

  • Microsoft Edge.

    Note: Starting from TestComplete version 14.70, TestComplete does not support recording web tests in the non-Chromium version of Edge.

  • Mozilla Firefox ver. 78 ESR, 79 - 81.

    If you use a later version of Firefox, check whether a patch is available for it.

  • Google Chrome ver. 85.

    If you have a TestComplete version earlier than 12.42, your version of the SmartBear Test Extension will be incompatible with newer versions of the Chrome web browser. To test web applications in Chrome 85, you will have to upgrade your TestComplete to some later version. We recommend using version 14.70.

    If you use a later version of Google Chrome, check whether a patch is available for it.

  • Any web browser based on the Microsoft WebBrowser control.

  • Embedded Chromium web browser:

    • In applications built with Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) version 84.0.4147 and earlier.

    • In applications built with Electron version 1.8.2, 2.0.2, 3.0.2, 4.0.2, 5.0.0, 6.0.0, 6.1, 7.0.0, 7.1, 8.0 - 8.1, 9.2.0, 10.1.0.


  • A license for the TestComplete Web module.

  • The Yahoo! Control Support plugin. The plugin provides access to controls via special program objects. It also enables creating table checkpoints for controls that display data in the tabular form. For the full list of these controls, see About Tables Collection.

  • The following plugins:

    • Web Testing - Implements web testing, enables testing of web applications running in Internet Explorer, Edge or WebBrowser controls.

    • Firefox Support - Enables testing of web applications running in Mozilla Firefox.

    • Chrome Support - Enables testing of web applications running in Google Chrome.

    • Chromium Embedded Framework Support - Enables web testing in applications created with Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) or with Electron.

All these plugins are installed and enabled automatically.

If you experience issues when working with the controls, select File | Install Extensions from the TestComplete main menu to check whether the plugins are active. If a plugin is not available, run the TestComplete installation in the Repair mode.

The YUI().use() method supported by the YUI 3 library allows loading YUI 2 modules and widgets into YUI 3 and creating YUI 2 controls with YUI 3 support. For more information on this, see documentation for the YUI global object (the on-line version is available at

TestComplete can test YUI 2 controls created with YUI 3 support, but each subsequent call of the YUI().use() method in your tested application makes controls created with the previous method call unavailable to TestComplete.

In order to implement support for the YUI 2 Calendar, DataTable, Rich Text Editor, Slider, Dual Thumb Slider and YUI 3 controls, you need to apply a special accessibility patch to the YUI 2 and YUI 3 controls' source code. The patch is shipped along with TestComplete. By default, it resides in the <TestComplete 14>\Open Apps\WebControls folder. To apply the patch to the controls' source code, do the following:

  1. Follow the link to download an archive containing the free Patch utility.

  2. Extract the patch.exe executable file and place it in the root directory of the controls' source library (the directory that contains the build folder).

  3. Place the yui_2.9.0.diff (for Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0) or yui_3.x.diff and yui_3.x.bat (for Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1) patch file in the same root folder in which you have placed the patch.exe file.

  4. Apply the patch as follows:

    • Apply the patch to Yahoo! User Interface Library 2.9.0 by executing the following command line:

      patch -p0 --binary < yui_2.9.0.diff
    • Apply the patch to Yahoo! User Interface Library 3.4.1 - 3.18.1 by executing the yui_3.x.bat batch file.

See Also

Supported Controls
Default Web Testing

Highlight search results