Troubleshooting Runtime Loader

Applies to TestComplete 14.50, last modified on April 22, 2021

The information in this topic applies to web tests that locate web objects by using internal identification properties provided by TestComplete and run in local environments.

This topic describes common problems that may occur when you load the tested Flash or Flex application using Runtime Loader, and explains how to resolve these problems.

Problem Solution

Error #2036: Load Never Completed

This problem can happen in the following cases:

  • The SWF file does not exist at the specified location. For example, the file may have been renamed, moved or deleted, or you may have misprinted the file’s path or URL. To resolve the problem, verify the file location and also check the URL for errors.

  • The tested SWF file and Runtime Loader are in different folders in the local file system. To resolve the problem, copy the loader files (RuntimeLoader.html, RuntimeLoader.swf and RuntimeLoaderLWN.swf) directly to the application folder and open the loader from that folder.

  • You are working in Microsoft Edge and cannot open the tested SWF file. Wrong location of the SWF file can cause the problem. To resolve the problem, copy the SWF file to the Runtime Loader directory.

SecurityError: Error #2121: Security sandbox violation: Loader.content: http://<path>/RuntimeLoader.swf cannot access http://<path_to_app>/my_app.swf.

This problem occurs if Runtime Loader and your tested application are in different domains. For example, this can happen if you open Runtime Loader from a local web server (for example, http://localhost/RuntimeLoader.html), whereas the tested application is on the Internet (for example,

To resolve the problem, copy the loader’s files (RuntimeLoader.html, RuntimeLoader.swf and RuntimeLoaderLWN.swf) directly to the tested application’s folder and open the loader from that folder.

Error #2140: Security sandbox violation: file:///<path>/RuntimeLoader.swf cannot load file:///<path_to_app>/my_app.swf. Local-with-filesystem and local-with-networking SWF files cannot load each other.

This error means that you specified an incorrect value of the The application can access option in Runtime Loader’s HTML GUI (or the useNetwork query string parameter). The specified value does not match the use-network compiler option that was used to compile the application.

To resolve the problem, specify a different value for the option. For example, if you got this error with the Local file system (file:///) option value (or the useNetwork=false query string parameter), select the Network (http://) option (or useNetwork=true), and vice versa.

Error #2148: SWF file <URL> cannot access local resource file:///<URL>. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.

You may face this problem if the tested application is run from the local file system (for example, file:///C:/MyApp/MyApp.html) and loads external resources (data files, styles and so on). Below are the typical causes of the problem:

  • The Flash Player security settings deny application access to external resources. To resolve the problem, you need to add the application’s folder to the Flash Player’s trusted folders. For a step-by-step instruction on how to do this, see Setting Security Permissions.

  • Runtime Loader and the application are located in different folders. (This includes the situation when the application is run from the local file system (file:///) whereas the loader is run from a web server (http://).)

    To resolve the problem, copy the loader’s files (RuntimeLoader.html, RuntimeLoader.swf and RuntimeLoaderLWN.swf) directly to the tested application’s folder and open the loader from that folder.

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property property_name on RuntimeLoader.

This problem can happen with applications that cannot be loaded to an external container. For more information on possible causes of the problem and for solutions to the problem, see Limitations on Testing with the Runtime Loader Utility.

See Also

Testing Flash and Flex Applications with the Runtime Loader Utility - Overview
Testing Flash and Flex Applications
Technical Support and Resources

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